On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Denise Evans <dmevans...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Let us not forget what the Bush years gave us.  We all should be rallying
> behind one of the most intelligent, articulate, accountable president's
> we've had in a good while.  Can you understand what he is up against?
>  Seriously.....I am so sick of the statement "Obama is a wimp".  Toxic..from
> Democrats I hear this.  I like to tell my family....ya'll made your money on
> the backs of people like me.....and they ain't sharing....period!  Get real.
>  I will see the movie Company Men...but how many of you have spent years in
> corporate america?
Obama is a wimp.   Compare him to Harry Truman or FDR.  I've spent my life
in corporate America.  What's your point?

Obama is a wimp.  I have seen great presidents in my lifetime.  Obama is a
disappointment.  He offered change.  Little did he realize it would be a
change from presidents who have a set.   This guy's claim to fame was that
he taught constitutional law (but doesn't know the Constitution) and was a
community organizer.  He brought little except a fresh face and knowledge of
how to use a teleprompter to the campaign.  We elected him and we got a
former community organizer as president.  I would rather he did the WRONG
thing than nothing at all.   In the history of recent great Democrats, he's
fighting for bottom with Jimmie Carter.

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