> I see a guillotine in your future!
You're not even a bystander at a Tea Party
Rally, much less the leader of a revolution.

You probably don't even have weapon in yer
house. You'd be one of the last people I'd
want to rely on to bring down big government.

Liberals like to talk a lot, but when it 
comes to taking action - when was the last
time you heard from the 'anti-war' movement?

According to what I've read, communism feels 
the need to control someone, because they 
have legally built up wealth, or want to, 
through their own endeavours (and want to 
keep it). 

That wealth makes that person "deserving" of 
being plundered? You're not even making any 

"Workers of the world unite!" is OK, but for 

The unspoken goal is to plunder those who 
have. It is not a call for brotherly love. It 
is a mobilisation call for a lynch mob.

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