On Jul 19, 2011, at 5:31 PM, emptybill wrote:

According to my informant (a former student of MMY, a former MIU professor, a close teacher of SSRS who now is a professor and a Sankhya-Yoga scholar) SSRS was always devoted to MMY and had only love for him until the "final endlessness". According to this scholar, SSRS said, quite often, that MMY had nothing but Deva Ma's will to fulfill, i.e. that this was his sole purpose in life and that Her Divine Will was all that concerned him in this earthly life.

So your confession is that this Deva Ma is behind the molestation of the young women, the poisoning and the hundreds who went insane or died under Mahesh.

It sounds like it's time to contact Homeland Security. Obviously another enemy combatant. Perhaps Hindu Al Qaeda.

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