Curtis - loved it, though I pretty much disagree with everything in this
post here, but I love the heart and the ethical stands, and the writing
too, goes without saying. Yes it does gets sad, lonely and depressing in
the Yogi land, you have responded with heart and I should be good for
another uh...few weeks at least.
--- In, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
> > --- In, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Curtis, In your new Avatar as the Mr. Nice Guy,
> Are you trying to parrot Judy's "Mr. Wonderful" putdown to score
points with her?  That is so cute.  Usually opening with a vague ad
hominem would make me skip the rest but if you are going for a pat on
the head, I'll indulge you a bit more.
> everything becomes a
> > POV> > or opinion even it is downright lies, deception, sarcasm,
> No, you missed my point about the distinction between agenda, which
means an underlying ideological plan and a documentarian's POV.  I don't
believe that we have evidence for the claim that he came into the
project with a the bias that he acquired from his interaction with a
group you were never a part of for a guru you never met in a movie
neither of us has seen.
>  <mockery of> > something simple.>
> I mock both simple and complex bad ideas. If you feel I have been
remiss in the complex ones lately, I'll take a crack at astrology for
>  <No wonder the 3rd/9th axis in astrology attracted me
> > > so much since I struggled with it so much myself to integrate
> > > opposing forces, 3rd for intellect, diplomacy and 9th for morals,
> > > ethics.
> Arising concurrently with divination by sheep intestines by a
superstitious pre-scientific culture, astrology is an attempt to reduce
the complexity of reality into a simplistic formula that can be
understood by a person like Nancy Reagan, because the challenges of that
complexity made her anxious.
> How was that Ravi, did I take out Mr. Nice guy AND mock something
complex at the same time or what?
> < An out and out  intellectual has hard time with morals, ethics
> > > and taking a stand.>
> I have not found this to be the case having read Nicomachean Ethics by
Aristotle, who was known as a bit of a thinker.
> > > I would had no problem if you viewed it as entertainment or
> > the> > film's creative, artistic side, but so stamp it as a POV
instead of
> > > agenda is just crap>
> Is this the movie neither of us has seen about a group you never were
a part of for a guru you never met?  I made my point about this
distinction.  So make yours.  What evidence do you have that this
documentarian had an agenda?  (You don't get to say it is crap again,
you already used that big gun.)  We both have access to his interviews
about the movie which is how I formed my opinion.  So do your homework
and make your case.
> .
> > >
> > Oh BTW I think both you and Rick consistently show an inability to
> > an ethical stand>
> Curious complaint.  My discussions on the problem with religious
beliefs and authoritarian belief systems have ethical implications.  But
perhaps I don't get your point.  Can you show me some examples of
ethical stands you have taken here as a model for my future improved
behavior?  And while you are putting that together perhaps I can take a
crack at it.
> Your not understanding the role Dr. Martin Luther King had in pushing
the civil rights agenda of African Americans in this country can be
understood as your not being born here and not much of a reader of
history.  But for an Indian to not understand the value Gandhi had in
liberating India from the British so that you could come here and work
in a high tech field instead of standing behind an old English fart
filling his scotch glasses with your white gloved hand as an inferior
human  under the jack boot of the colonial Raj, is a disgusting insult
to the millions of Indians who Gandhi lead in passive resistance at the
cost of many lives.
> So how did I do?   Again I'm hoping for a twofer on that piece.  Not
nice and an ethical stand.
>  (unless it's a dead guy like M) to maintain this
> > persona of Mr. Nice Guy,>
> See how my example accomplished both since you are alive.
> < Rick at least surprised me by taking a stand
> > against this movie,>
> Yes but I need to point out that Rick is still very nice about it so
doesn't he get Mr. Nice Guy demerits?  (Sorry to rat you out Rick but
I'm not taking  the Mr. Nice Guy heat alone.)
> < guess I have to wait for a loooooooooooong time to
> > see you to take a clear stand against something.>
> Not so long, I took a clear stand against you above.
>  <Sure Judy and Nabby
> > come against each of you guys persistently and strongly but they do
> > a point that neither of you seem to acknowledge, at least publicly.>
> You are rambling a bit here.  I acknowledge Judy all the time, what
point do you mean?  I don't always respond when Nabbie calls me a
Hillbilly, that is true.
> > Fair, balanced, keeping both aisles happy always comes with an
> > danger of appearing wimpy.>
> Well I pretty much am consistent in pissing off certain people here so
I don't know what you mean here.  My POV is well established by now. 
And if you think that seeing certain things as too complex to reduce to
a simplistic formula of bad and good is wimpy, then we don't share the
same values in what makes a man intellectually strong.  You seem a bit
confused in what you are complaining about here.  On one hand you
criticize me for the stands I do take against self proclaimed special
people, and here you seem to be telling me that I should take a firmer
stand or you will associate me with a childhood taunt as if we are
sharing recess together.
> I have a sneaking suspicion that you needed some attention from me and
were willing to get it in its positive or negative form.  I hope this
post satisfied that need because  I am nice like that.
> >

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