--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> In the meantime, I'll nail one assertion in this post that
> isn't just a misreading but a deliberate falsehood:

Before Curtis tries to muddy things still further by
making a huge deal of the fact that my first comment below
isn't about a deliberate falsehood: That's true, it's
about another misreading. I added it after I'd written the
second comment, which *is* about a deliberate falsehood
and was all I had intended to deal with in this post at
> <snip>
> > Since I do not transform into a hideous creature when
> > confronted with your hostile accusations but respond with
> > my POV which differs from yours,
> You do become a "hideous creature," though, in
> comparison with your Mr. Wonderful presentation. That
> was the whole point of the Hulk and Jekyll/Hyde analogy.
> But I suspect you knew that.
>  I will assume that this 
> > mischaractorization is one a  long history of ad hominem 
> > characterizations meant to distract from your inability
> > to answer my responses with reasoned argument.  And
> > because you claim that I become a murderous monster, you
> > believe you are conveniently let off the hook of responding.
> > Does that really work for you, because from this end it
> > seems pretty transparently lame.
> If you were honest, you'd acknowledge that in most of our
> hostile exchanges, you're the one to back out, not me. The
> most recent example was our exchange immediately previous
> to this one, where you failed to respond to this post:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/282863
> What's your excuse for letting yourself off the hook of
> responding?
> I rarely do ad hominem without having *first* responded
> with reasoned argument. I don't use the former as a
> substitute for the latter. I know you're aware of that,
> so why are you pretending otherwise?
> > > "The thing is, when you get pissed, you lose all sense
> > > of proportion and fairness, and you too often become
> > > actively dishonest, hauling out one straw man after
> > > another, as you just did above. You pull out your
> > > sophist debating tricks and make it impossible to
> > > discuss misunderstandings and grievances on either
> > > side."
> > 
> > Yeah sounds to me as if when I confront your BS with
> > reasoned argument you can't respond effectively so you
> > pull the old ad hominem out of your very tiny bag of
> > tricks
> The post quoted above was an example of the falsity of
> your assertion. The "ad hominem" came at the end, after
> I'd thoroughly fisked your previous post. It was you who
> couldn't respond with reasoned argument.
> > and hope I wont notice.  Newsflash, I do.
> Hmm, I expected you to claim you'd somehow managed to
> miss the post. You've just neatly disposed of that
> potential excuse for not responding to it.

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