On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:22 PM, wayback71 <waybac...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> remember what happens to those who are too outspoken and gain too much
influence. Â While I have no proof of course.....I always think about JFK,
Bobby Kennedy, and MLK. Â

I expected that Obama would meet the same fate as the 3 mentioned, only
sooner.   But he's a crafty one.  Indeed he got by by being the affirmative
action token who appealed to the black, Hispanic and liberal vote and
accommodation.  That's what community organizers do.  And lawyers plea
bargain be it in criminal or civil matters.   Instead of carrying out 1% of
what he promised, he chose life and re-election rather than principle.   The
three men mentioned would not have done that.  The 3 men mentioned were of
the Great War generation.  They knew what principle was, what conviction was
(*JFK wrote Profiles in Courage*).  If offered a choice beforehand, each
would, IMO, have chosen to give up his live.  The Kennedy's, if they had
been told what would follow their demise would have had a different idea
about giving up their lives for principle.  Seeing that they'd be dying so
what they were most against would win out.  Well, kind of.   JFK's death got
the Great Society.  But it also got the Vietnam disaster.   These are days
where it's not principle. It's way beyond the ME Generation.  And of course
what party operative from Chicago ever had principles?

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