Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 1:05 AM


Part I
This begins a series designed to uncover what's really going on in WaSHIngton 

First of all, these 'Tea Party Folks' are mostly funded by the what's called 
the tea party elite.
They are mostly white folks, europeans, mostly, that are funding the tea party 
Now not only are they terrorizing our country, mostly the poorest among us...

But these folks, are also, Successionists...
Take a look at this video of Sarah Parlin and Mr.Sarah Palin..

These folks are like the 'Misters of the Grand 'Ol South'...
When slavery ruled the land...
they were{in their own distorted egos]...
the master race, destined to rule over the lessor mongrols, and aborijinals...

So, like Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump...all these very fake masks..
they are basically cold and devoid of any real 'soul'...
they lack any compassion for tthe poor,
and only care about maintaining their elitism...
they thrive on cultural chaos, which they clock in 'they're strange version of 

Because the 'Entity that they Created' messure of the 'U.S. Supreme 
[they want to reverse everything the founding fathers wanted...]
Is the a 'Corporation is equal to a 'souled human being..;'

this entity is without 'soul' so to speak...\
{they mostly drain our economy of the wealth of:
Education, housing, oil, overseas manufacturing, and so on...
it lacks any compassion and only seeks to 'pump itself up'...

In ancient times, Jesus called this entity:
the evil one...

And today still:
"It Rears It's Ugly Head!'


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