Ahhhh...the saviour....let us give him as much money as possible - Tee Hee

--- On Wed, 8/3/11, wle...@aol.com <wle...@aol.com> wrote:

From: wle...@aol.com <wle...@aol.com>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: All eyes are on Iowa
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 12:22 PM





  From: ron_p...@ronpaul2012.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/2/2011 3:29:21 
  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: All eyes are on Iowa



What is Mitt Romney afraid of?

When news came out 
        that Big Government establishment Republican Mitt Romney was just going 
        to skip all straw polls from here on out, I couldn't help but 

After we beat him fair and square 
        at CPAC and, more recently, the Southern Republican Leadership Straw 
        Poll in New Orleans, he must be tired of losing!

But the 
        truth is, the decision to skip the Iowa Straw Poll is a sign of 
        - and one that gives you and me a real opening we MUST 

That's why I'm counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.

        see, right now, all eyes are on 

And unlike other polls, the August 13 Iowa Straw 
        Poll isn't one the media can spend weeks hyping and then simply 

The Iowa Straw Poll has always been a crucial 
        bellwether for the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses. 

        can turn a candidate into an instant contender - or CRUSH any hope of 
        future success with a poor showing.

This year, the Iowa Straw 
        Poll is more important than ever.

Many GOP voters are repulsed with establishment frontrunner 
        Romney's flip-flopping on key issues.

They're not happy 
        with his liberal record as Governor of Massachusetts and his signature 
        health care bill that served as the model for 

Governor Romney isn't even bothering to try to 
        soothe grassroots misgivings by showing up at the most important straw 
        poll in the nation.

That's why, right now, 
        many GOP voters are desperately searching for a candidate who can go 
        toe-to-toe with Governor Romney.

Some candidates get 
        handed the chance to do just that, then swing and miss on live 

Well, that won't be me.  While we should be civil and 
        keep campaigns about issues, I'm not going to sit back and let someone 
        try to pull the wool over your eyes, either.

This race is too 
        important.  Our COUNTRY is too important.

Right now, 
        columnists, TV pundits, talk radio hosts, and national media 
        commentators are all looking to the Iowa Straw Poll to see which 
        candidate or candidates have what it takes to take on Mitt Romney and 
        win.  And with my record of NEVER toeing the establishment line, I 
        am the LAST candidate they want to acknowledge as a top 

So I'm counting on you to help me 
        send shockwaves throughout the national political establishment with a 
        strong finish at the Iowa Straw Poll.

The good news is, 
        you and I are stunning the political establishment at virtually every 

I reported an incredible $4.5 million fundraising take on 
        June 30th – MORE than I had originally hoped for!

Poll after 
        national primary poll shows my campaign within striking distance of 
        first place, and grassroots support for my campaign 
        is growing by leaps and bounds.

Just four years ago, my 
        opponents took every opportunity they could to scoff at my limited 
        government, constitutional views in Presidential debates.  They've 
        been proven wrong.

And now, as you and I saw 
        in the recent New Hampshire debate, my opponents are falling all over 
        themselves to see who can agree with me the most!

        here's what they won't tell you: their Big Government, big spending 
        views haven't really changed, of course.

They are just being 
        FORCED to recognize that the American people are flat-out sick of being 
        taxed, groped, spied on, and spent into bankruptcy - just as I 

You see, I warned of the housing bubble and the Federal 
        Reserve's "print now, ask questions later," dollar-destroying 

I opposed the bailouts and loudly and forcefully 
        explained why they were not only morally wrong, but would make things 

I argued against never-ending, TRILLION-dollar occupations 
        and unpopular, undeclared wars like President Obama's new outrageous 
        misadventure in Libya.

And if elected President, I 
        Stop the spread of socialist, Big Government health 
        care and instead work to repeal the "ObamaCare" monstrosity;
        Stop the growth of government spending, restrictive 
        regulations, and interference in our lives;
        Cut taxes and eliminate the IRS, because I 
        believe the money you earn is yours and does NOT belong to 
         Audit the Federal Reserve, which I 
        believe will serve as an important first step toward finally ending the 
        Fed once and for all;
        Ensure the federal government returns to its 
        constitutional limits by eliminating departments and agencies 
        that are not authorized by the Constitution;
        Repeal Big Government schemes like the so-called 
        "PATRIOT Act";
        Return to the Founders' more humble foreign 
        policy.  American troops and taxpayers deserve better than 
        to be used for "nation-building" or policing the world.  We cannot 
        afford trillion dollar international boondoggles that cost us our 
        our fortunes, and our freedom.
        No matter how hard they try, the national media and the GOP 
        political establishment CANNOT dismiss my campaign. 

That's because the momentum is with us.  My campaign will 
        only get stronger as the weeks and months progress.

In fact, you 
        and I don't even need to win the Iowa Straw Poll outright.

But a 
        strong showing on August 13 is our chance to show that my campaign has 
        the organization and the message to stand toe-to-toe with any 

And if you and I can capitalize on a top-tier finish in 
        the Straw Poll with a massive blitz of campaign stops, media 
        and paid ads, we'll be laying the groundwork for a WIN in the Iowa 

        to make it happen, I need to be able to count on you.

In fact, I 
        need to raise 
        $1.4 million before the Straw Poll kicks off.

If I can't, I'm afraid I'm going to have to curtail some of 
        my most critical on-the-ground activities both before and after the 
        Straw Poll.

This would be nothing short of a DISASTER. 

As you may know, I've been crisscrossing Iowa 
        for months, explaining why I believe a hard-and-fast return to the 
        Constitution is what our nation needs right now.

        campaign has been busy mobilizing my Iowa supporters by mail, email, 
        telephone to explain just how important the August 13 Straw Poll 

But there's much more to be done.

In a state like Iowa, the little things - like yard signs, 
        bumper stickers, and billboards - can have an enormous 

Big things like radio, TV, and newspaper ads 
        exposing my opponents' Big Government records can make the 

That's why your IMMEDIATE 
        and generous support is so crucial.

So can I count 
        on you for a contribution?  
        $5,000 is the limit for married couples.  It's $2,500 for an 

        whatever you can do - $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 - will help 
        tremendously and will be very much appreciated.

        is running out before the Iowa Straw Poll, so it's vital you act 

I know you won't let me down - especially 
        considering just how important this is.  But please act 

For Liberty,


P.S.  Mitt Romney's decision not to compete in the 
        Iowa Straw Poll could cost him dearly, and it gives you and me a huge 
        opening to prove I have the campaign organization and the message to 

Please help me take advantage of this great opportunity with 
        a generous 

$5,000 is the limit for married 
        couples.  It's $2,500 for an individual.

But whatever you 
        can do - $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 - will help tremendously and 
        be very much appreciated.

              Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign 

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