--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> The US national chart shows the effects of the latest Congressional decision 
> to raise the government debt-limit.  The negative public sentiment of the 
> political squabbling is a reflection of Rahu being debilitated in Scorpio, 
> the field of expenditures and losses.  As such, Scorpio gives a malefic 
> aspect or rashi dhristi to Aries, the field of investments.
> Thus, we are experiencing a massive selloff in Wall Street.
> http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Stocks-slump-as-economic-apf-169769799.html?x=

Yep, and the testosterone levels of (naked) short sellers go
through the roof? LoL! 

Those who here in Finland are called 'bullero-s" or "tuulipuku-s"
(wind-suits: inexperienced investors, or stuff), loose huge amounts of money in 
favor of short sellers??

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