--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Masked Zebra responds to seventhray1:
> > > 
> > 
> > When I skimmed the post regarding Maharishi's talk about dying, it 
> > rekindled the feeling I had that drew me into this knowledge. 
> > 
> > 
> > BlahBlah, snip, BlahBlah, more snip. 
> > 
> > Robin, again you fall into your own trap. Why not keep it simple. You could 
> > say; "Maharishi was a clown, but I'm brilliant !"
> > 
> > Something like this.
> RESPONSE: But no, nablusoss1008, it was the reverse: Maharishi as brilliant, 
> I was the clown. 
> I would like to *think* I was up to Maharishi now [but I am probably not], 
> and as I indicated in that post to seventhray1, I would seek out a major 
> confrontation with him—in his physical presence.
> Nothing but the act of standing up to him, and especially his *context* could 
> produce the final deliverance from him that I am still seeking. 
> None of us were able to do this. It seemed the universe itself would not let 
> us. 
> No, Maharishi will always be the most powerful and brilliant human being I 
> have ever known, read about, heard of. He had everything.
> But for all that at bottom he was corrupt and deceived. I will never 
> experience—with any other person—a love which even begins to command me the 
> way my love for Maharishi commanded me.
> I still hold all of what he was in my consciousness, even as I have tried, as 
> best I could, to extirpate what was the mystical deceit of Maharishi [from 
> having an influence over me]. I could become at a touch more fanatically 
> devoted to Maharishi and TM than even Bevan is. But I have control over 
> myself now, and I know Maharishi was not the real thing (although in saying 
> that, no one will ever, in my judgment, exceed Maharishi in terms of beauty, 
> charm, wisdom, and a certain kind of original intelligence. To witness 
> Maharishi in action for me I am sure was easily the equivalent of Peter 
> witnessing Christ).
> But you see, Peter's Master *was* the real thing. Maharishi was not.
> I always feel this affection for someone who has remained as loyal as you 
> have to the Master to whom I surrendered all of myself, Nablusoss. Your 
> comments always have the ring of that perfect sincerity which I myself 
> recognize, because you could be me,
> I have had to kill the clown in me, because that is what I became on that 
> mountain in September '76. Why a clown, Robin? Because by becoming 
> enlightened, at some level I was being mocked by the devas, the intelligences 
> that had prayed to so desperately that finally they relented, and made me 
> enlightened.
> I write the way I do, nablusoss1008, because this is my way of getting rid of 
> all the  vestiges of my clowned-ness.
> Thank you for your honest and sincere reaction to my posts.

Hello again Robin,
I can't say get a grip of your understanding of how one can become enlightened 
and then undo that state. I goes against anything I've ever heard or read about 
the subject.
But if that is your understanding, then who am I to say you are wrong.

For me both Maharishi and Jesus are the "real thing". The difference is only 
that Jesus has been in this business longer and has therefore longer 
experience. If we speculate that Maharishi became enlightened only in this 
life, as he stated several times, and Jesus in his life, then Jesus has 2000 
years advantage. That amounts to several incarnations in enlightened bodies. 
Therefore to say that Jesus is senior to Maharishi would be correct. 

Perhaps the work of Benjamin Creme would interest you. He states that Jesus and 
The Christ are two personalities, The Christ being the most senior soul, or 
Master, to take care of and help humanity. He also claims that Christ is now in 
incarnation with at least 13 of his close disciples, and has taken the name 
Maitreya. He created a mahaviruta body in the Himalayas and came to the west 2 
years after Maharishi inaugurated the Age of Enlightenment.
You will find many of Mr. Creme's writings here:


As a closing remark I would thank you for bringing a civilized way of 
discussing complicated subjects to FFL ! Thank you and good luck to you !

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