Quote from A Honed and Heavy Ax

The Buddha said it is impossible to have liberating insight as long as
one or more of the five hindrances are infecting the mind (AN 5.51).

These mental obstacles are grouped as 1) sensual desire, an attraction
to and preoccupation with the world of the five senses, 2) anger,
aversion, frustration, disappointment, 3) dullness or drowsiness, 4)
restlessness, remorse, anxiety, guilt and 5) doubt.

If any of these or related states are present, the heart will be
agitated and confused.

The five hindrances make the mind rigid, weak and unworkable. Ignorance
feeds on the five hindrances. They are the cause and condition for
deluded understanding, and without the inner stillness and silence of
samatha (dhyana-samadhi) it is almost certain that the mind is still
being haunted by their influence (MN 68.6).

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