Hmm..who is this guy and what's his story - I'm all ears if you would
like to share.
--- In, Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
> I responded to you personally at your email btw.....I'm feeling better
today....mostly, my response to you was triggered by a guy who took
himself out after years and years with Amma and having followed his
posting "story" in my initial research on her, I was fairly horrified at
the tragedy. Â He lost himself...literally...sorry I was projecting.
> I'm not selling the house yet. Â I have a teenager at home. Â
Although I am also mad that I didn't follow my gut and sell stock to pay
for my daughter's tuition last week before the collapse because I have
to send the check Monday...two different "experts" told me to hold. Â
I continually shoot myself in the foot (financially). Â I am
surrendering to the concept that I will likely be "poor" sometime sooner
rather than later and that "I am fine with that." Â
> There are always options....I could get a renter, I could start
growing some of my food, I could join a bartering community, I could
volunteer and meet others who can teach me how to be poor. Â
> I must start meditating in a more disciplined fashion...I can and do
spin out. Â  Yes, following FFL is time consuming but has been
helpful for me in so many ways. Â However, posting on FFL doesn't pay
the bills or do my schoolwork....Peace Out.
> --- On Fri, 8/5/11, Mark Landau <> wrote:
> From: Mark Landau <>
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bernie Sanders for President-to Mark
> To:
> Date: Friday, August 5, 2011, 5:56 PM
> Â
>       Thank you, Denise, for this and your previous, lovely email.
 I wanted to respond sooner, but was concerned about over-posting.
 I also had to go out.What a generous heart you must have!It's not
my plan, at this time, to go. Â I've always loved death and was
inspired to write what I did in the context of that discussion. Â
Though, I must say, at 65, with things the way they are and feeling the
way I do, going quietly into that good night does not seem all that
horrendous to me.I do believe there is something in the works to keep me
here and that it will manifest in due time. Â But I've done nothing
much to manifest it myself. Â I've been spending most of my time w/
FFL, to, IME, good effect. Â But I'm beginning to feel the need to
curtail this time-consuming endeavor and refocus on the mundane.I'm
comfortable for the moment and should be alright till November, shortly
after which there will have to be some drastic changes if things remain
as they
>  are.I do have a little guest room in my little rented duplex. Â
You're totally welcome to stay for awhile, if I still have it when
you're ready.Of course, I accepted "tedadams'" little donation and would
always accept any help from anyone if anyone were so disposed. Â As I
said, I'm not proud and have given a lot away in my time. Â My
address and electronic payment web page were previously posted and if
anyone were to really want to, I wouldn't be hard to find.So, again, my
heartfelt thanks. Â If things get desperate you may again hear from
me. Â May beings like you proliferate on the planet. Â Good luck
with the sale of your home and your road trip.m
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 4:52 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
> Â
>     Geezus Mark, don't send out any more death poems....not all of us
are TMers.what the F@ck does that all mean?....whaddya need? Â Money?
 How much.  I'm about to send out a check for 21,000 for half my
daughters tuition and I'd be more than willing to send you some too.
 But, you'd better offer me a place to stay when I pull up in my
trailer after I sell my house and take a road trip to see all the
national parks I've missed out on over the years.
> --- On Fri, 8/5/11, Mark Landau <> wrote:
> From: Mark Landau <>
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bernie Sanders for President
> To:
> Date: Friday, August 5, 2011, 12:28 PM
> Â
>       OK, I'll bite. Â I don't hold him in the same league as Jimi
and M, but I worked my butt off for Kucinich's first campaign, initially
gratis and then on the campaign's payroll, so I had some decent
interaction with him. Â What's her name here, Chris Griscom, is his
friend/teacher. Â I helped open the campaign in seven western states.
 I have a lot of respect for him, but I'd shudder to think what
might have happened to the country if he were to run it like he did his
first campaign. Â So, perhaps a few more steps to the plate and I'll
walk, at least temporarily. Â I might as well gather my resources and
try focusing on my survival...
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> Â
> Or Allen Grayson. Dennis Kucinich would be great if he didn’t
look like a space alien. Even if he looked like a movie star,
he’s probably too far ahead of the curve to get elected.

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