>From an audio tape of 1964

Maharishi:...Another great teaching and a very scientific teaching is the 
doctrine of devotion, the doctrine of love. The doctrine of action is one, 
doctrine of devotion is one and doctrine of knowledge - we must know, we must 
be and we must act. 

In Being we should be in the fullness of life. In knowing we should be in the 
fullness of life and in the state of acting we should be in the fullness of 
life. Fullness of life should be to us all the time. And that will be living 
full life, eternal life, unlimited life. And that should be the life of every 
one. Not a life of confusion and chaos and dullness and tension or anything. 

Bhagavad Gita's teaching is very, very clear. What is the speciality what we 
bring out in the commentary of the doctrine of love or doctrine of devotion, 
devotion to GOD? Devotion is a very scientific aspect in order to culture our 
body and mind in order to make our life refined. And refinement of life means 
refinement of body and refinement of mind. 

And this refinement is eventually to aim at helping the process of gaining CC, 
that eternal life where the mind rests in silence at the time when it is active 
- when the body rests in silence at the time when it is active. 

What this love does? This love refines the body and refines the mind. And how 
does it refine? In the crude language I would say - because love, when we 
analyse love on the technical terms we are murdering something very precious 
and we don't want to do it - but for the sake of understanding we may do it for 
some time. 

Love is a very precious thing. And they say love is GOD. And then again they 
say love or devotion is a link to GOD, the royal road to GOD. And what is that 
royal road? See when you have love in the heart what does it do? These muscles 
(of the heart) they have some play, they get some activity. And the activity of 
these muscles of the heart produces those currents which activate very fine 
structures of the nervous system. Very fine structure, very fine membranes and 
the tissues and the parts of the nervous system become activated. 

Just as when the mind goes deep in meditation, and deep in mediation it fathoms 
the fine states of the mantra, then the subtle parts of the nervous system 
become active. Similarly with the movements of the muscles of the heart, all 
the impulses that are carried out, they activate those fine strata of the 
nervous system which then become capable of adjusting themselves to give rise 
to that experience of TC.

It is a great aid to GC. As we said GC pertaining to the body is that restful 
alertness of the nervous system which it gains when it transcends. In order to 
attain that state of the physical structure of the nervous system, the very 
fine aspect of nervous system has to be elastic and alert and fine and refined 
and very flexible, everything. 

The muscles of the heart, when it (the heart) swells - in love for GOD or in 
love for duty or in love for mother or father or all our dear ones - this does 
a great refinement in the body, in the nervous system. And it has its 
simultaneous influence in the mind and intellect and ego. Very great, it could 
be measured on physical level. 

This doctrine of love brought about by Bhagavd Gita again comes out in very 
scientific terms. It does not leave the path of devotion on any level of 
mysticism or mere faith in GOD. No, it has its very scientific application. And 
it proves it. Not only that, (but also) one thing extra ordinarily marvellous. 
When we get into the deep meaning of the verses, somewhere it is stated it is 
possible for the individual to have an eternal body, the cessation of ageing 

Now all those who have been meditating, they know in the transcendental state 
the metabolism becomes nil. And this is what stops the ageing process...

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