 From: listmana...@joemiller.info
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/10/2011  9:40:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Time to Celebrate Wisconsin  Win

Joe Miller: Restoring  Liberty
Bernanke, the  Wizard Behind Obama’s Sham Economy
By Mark W. Hendrickson
Floyd  Reports 

On July 11, The Center for Vision &  Values posted my article decrying the 
insulting name-calling directed  toward Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben 
Bernanke. The very next day,  Bernanke made me question my forbearance by 
telling Congress that a  third round of “quantitative easing,” or “QE3,” 
could be a near-term  option. 

Now it’s my turn to call Bernanke a name, but I’ll use a  clinical label, 
not a crude one. He is an inflationist, although he may  prefer the label “
anti-deflationist.” He so fears a deflationary spiral  that he will create 
however many dollars he believes necessary to avert  deflation.

_Read  The Full Story_ 
    Video: Barack  
Obama's Peevish Voice 

In this LOL Video we see Obama  speaking in his most peevish voice. 
Hollywood couldn't capture it in  greater color. 


_Watch  and Comment on Video:_ 
   Big Media's 
Big  Palin Problem
By James P. York
American Thinker  

Are some things inevitable? Do certain circumstances lend  themselves to 
the unavoidable hand of destiny? Are Washington politicos  usually correct 
when making predictions based upon "conventional  wisdom"? Per the media's 
prodding, shall we just go ahead and start  calling him President Rick Perry? 
Not if former Alaska governor Sarah  Palin has anything to say about it. Last 
week, in what is best described  as trademark Palin unpredictablity, the 
self-described hockey mom drove  a stake into the heart of three distinct 
narratives that, for months,  have been reverberating throughout the 
echo-chambers of Big Media.  

First, in an interview with FOX News' Sean Hannity, the former  Alaska 
governor began gently tarring former Massachusetts governor Mitt  Romney with 
the same sort of criticism she has more often reserved for  President Obama -- 
that of ditherer-in-chief. Mrs. Palin pointedly  mocked Romney's political 
wind-testing approach to the debt debate, and  in her genuine "bless his 
heart" way, she began the uneasy task --  oft-loathed by competitors within the 
same political party -- of  pointing out the many differences between 
herself and Mr. Romney. This  crucial contrast-drawing can most likely be 
interpreted as a move toward  announcing her candidacy.

_Read  The Full Story_ 
   Tea Party Express  
Celebrates Resounding WI Senate Victories!
Canada Free  Press

The Tea Party Express is celebrating state  senate victories in Wisconsin 
today, with election wins for State  Senators Harsdorf, Cowles, Darling, and 
Olsen after conducting a  statewide tour rallying support for Republican 
state senators last  weekend. 

Despite an outrageous onslaught of fear mongering,  distortion and 
intimidation tactics from the far left and national union  groups, the majority 
Wisconsin voters were not fooled and voted to  support senators who did their 
job and stood by Governor Walker’s budget  reform. Although two Republican 
state senators were not able to fend off  the baseless attacks against them, 
the people of Wisconsin have defeated  the enemies of prosperity and kept 
the state on a successful  path.

_Read  The Full Story:_ 
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