with Purusha group in Uttarkashi

2011/8/21 Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net>

> **
> On Aug 21, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> I just watched “David Wants to Fly” for the first time last night. I had
> heard about the “controversy among the rajas” that was part of the film, but
> no one had mentioned that Nand Kishore was the center of the controversy. He
> was the Indian guy who sat there next to Bevan and challenged Tony Nader’s
> right to take over the movement (until they shut off his mic). Kind of an
> interesting tidbit, don’t you think? Wonder where he is now?
> You should write a review from your POV, esp. given your inside knowledge.

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