On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:31 AM, raunchydog <raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> When we bailed out the banks in 2008, everyone blamed the banks for
> screwing us and there was a lot of talk, talk, talk, about regulating them.
> Since then an astounding number of people think too much regulation caused
> the banks to collapse. Tea Party propaganda has made us clinically insane.
> Not too long ago Florida Senator Marco Rubio would never dare say Social
> Security and Medicare "weakened us as a people" but not anymore. Libertarian
> evil has so poisoned the minds of our people that a corporate tool like
> Rubio can openly, confidently and arrogantly undermine the social safety net
> and not pay a political price.  If it suits them, corporate media could sell
> Tea Party rubes Soylent Green and have them saying grandma tastes delicious.
> Social Security and Medicare did not cause the 2008 banking crisis nor the
> debt crisis, but that's what libertarian propagandists want you to believe.
> http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2010/10/21/wall-streets-tea-party/
Libertarians are the scum of the Earth.   Take, for example, some very
famous life extensionists whom I've done battle with over the years.   They
not only are libertarians, but follow a 26 hour life cycle (because they
feel that's natural) and engineer their lives around their idea of being
sovereign.  You want to talk to them?  Look on their website for when
they're awake.   You have to provide every address you've ever lived at,
every URL you've ever contributed to, every email address and telephone
number you've ever had /before/ they will allow you into their little
sovereign nation to even chat.   I'm not surprised that most probably the
signs and bumper stickers for Ron Paul are still intact in Fairfield.   Here
we have a bunch of poorer than church mice people who were told by Marshi
that they were ENTITLED.   So we've got all these people who don't have a
pot to piss in who want to believe the laws of physics, quantum mechanics,
arithmetic, economics, finance, civil or criminal justice apply to them.
Unless, of course, they decide to sue someone or call the police on
someone.   But I'm sure they collect their food stamps, just like Ann Rynd
got US provided medical care for her cancer (in secret, with an assumed
name).  These sovereigns in Canada?  Why Canada?  Well, free health care.
Why else?   Oh, yeah, and because the husband is banned from entering the US
for violating US labor laws.

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