as in Frank-Dodd; ultra liberal doo-doo gooders exemplifying the worst of 
Congressional insanity by generating more and more useless regulations.  
In order to function properly, Capitalism must include:
1. enforcible contracts, and
2. transparency of contracts
not "more regulations" per se.
A contributing factor to the housing meltdown was the lack of transparency of 
contracts, (2).

If (1) and (2) are included within the definition of Capitalism, then there's 
less support for the "Capitalism run-amock" argument. (since the Institutions 
holding the sub-prime mortgages failed to abide by (2), the transparency rule 
and were thus not true Capitalists.

Dozens of more "oversight" committees per air-heads Frank and Dodd will only 
make the situation worse.

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