In 'yogash citta-vRtti-nirodhaH', 'citta-vRtti' seems
like a tatpuruSa compound, being itself a part of 
the larger tatpuruSa, like this:

(citta-vRtti)-nirodhaH: nirodha *of* the vRtti_s *of* citta.

In the description of 'praaNaayaama', 'stambha-vRtti' feels
to us like a bahuvriihi:

baahyaabhyantara-*stambha-vRttir* desha-kaala-saMkhyaabhiH
paridRSTo diirgha-suukSmaH.

Taimni's translation:

(It is in) external, internal or suppressed modification; is
regulated by place, time and number, (and becomes progressively) 
prolonged and subtle.


(It is in) external (baahya), internal (aabhyantara) or suppressed (stambha) 
modification (vRttiH); is regulated (paridRSTaH) by place (desha), time (kaala) 
and number (saMkhyaabhiH; instrumental plural
from 'saMkhyaa', implied[?] also for 'desha' and 'kaala'), (and becomes 
progressively) prolonged (diirgha) and subtle (suukSmaH).

That seems to "prove" Bhojadeva's term 'stambha-ruupa', describing
the fourth praaNaayaama, "must" refer to the unnoticeable breathing
during "apneas" of Transcendental Meditation! Otherwise 'stambha-
ruupa' would be synonymous with 'stambha-vRtti', which is, we
believe, the third (tRtiiya) praaNaayaama!? :o

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