Good idea, only the fixers are merely providing a service for the product 
itself, you. So I think it more than fair you pony up about $5 per week to 
advertise your stuff, that the fixers can then all comment on for a buck a 
month. Face it Barry, its therapy for you, and that costs money.:-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I think I have a graceful solution for those posters on this forum who
> seem to have a compulsive need to "fix" other posters, but who at the
> same time fly into an ill-concealed rage any time any of these posters
> 1) don't pay attention to their advice, or 2) suggest there are a few
> things about the fixers themselves they might just want to...uh...fix.
> Or at the very least ponder.
> Make the giving and receiving of advice fee-based. Y'know...the same way
> you guys work with the spiritual teachers you revere. Most of you who
> are into spiritual teachers wouldn't really expect them to give you
> useful advice unless you were paying for it, right? What I'm suggesting
> is that you similarly have no right to expect anyone else to follow
> *your* advice unless *they* are paying for it.
> It's simple to set up. Those who feel that their insights and their
> perceptions of other people are worth paying attention to, and their
> advice worth following, *put your skills on the market*, and see who
> agrees with you. Set up a simple PayPal account, and charge the people
> you give advice to a reasonable fee, whatever you think it's worth. (For
> most advice-givers on this forum, I would suggest a fee no larger than
> $1 US per month, and that might be pushing it.)
> From then on, whenever you feel compelled to give advice and "fix"
> someone, the only people on this forum you have a right to expect a
> response from are the ones who are actually paying you for the advice.
> All others have the absolute right to ignore whatever you say without
> comment, and as if you don't exist.
> Those who feel that their advice is SO important to those they preach it
> at that their victims "should" or "must" pay attention to it are free to
> pay *them* to be receivers of said advice. But paying your victims does
> not in any way imply that they must either read your advice or pay
> attention to it. It's just a way for you compulsive "fixers" to feel
> better about yourselves, and convince yourselves that you actually have
> an audience.

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