Just watched it -- you should have warned me not to eat our traditional
moon cake today watching this film... [:D]
"I'm Irish. Racism is part of my culture."lol
A Drop Of The Hard Stuff'
seen that?
In Bruges
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> As often happens for me with "small treasure" movies, I found my way
> this one by following an obscure lead. I've been an unabashed fan of
> Brendan Gleeson since "Six Shooter" and "In Bruges," and put this film
> on my Look For list some time ago after following a link on the IMDB.
> All I knew about it was that Brendan Gleeson was in it, and that was
> enough.
> It remained enough for about the first ten minutes of the movie, and
> then I had a suspicion, occasioned by the quality of the writing. I
> the movie on pause and looked it up on the IMDB, suspecting it might
> have been by Martin McDonagh, writer-director of "In Bruges." Close.
> It's written and directed by his brother, John Michael McDonagh.
> clearly runs in the family.
> This is a really funny movie, in the way that only Irish films can be
> funny. That is, black humor that is occasionally so dark that you are
> almost ashamed to be laughing at it, but you just can't help yourself.
> Also, the humor is quirky, and plays with conventions. For example,
> is essentially a "buddy cop" movie, with Gleeson playing back-country
> Irish cop Gerry Boyle, and Don Cheadle playing uptight American FBI
> agent Wendell Everett. Shown photos of the drug smugglers Everett is
> after, Boyle's first comment on seeing four white faces is, "I thought
> only black lads were drug dealers. Or Mexican." Informed by his
> superiors and by Everett that his 'tude is racist, Boyle says, "I'm
> Irish. Racism is part of my culture." So, however, is being honest,
> which makes Boyle the only cop not on the take in the Galway area, and
> that leads to him and Everett teaming up to take out the bad guys.
> This is a good movie, and I recommend it without reservation. Brendan
> Gleeson just walks away with this movie. I'm sure it's destined to
> become a cult favorite in the buddy cop genre. It's like a Quentin
> Tarantino movie, but with better dialogue. Ponder that.
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540133/
> <%20http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540133/>
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5pk6s-PRUE
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5pk6s-PRUE>

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