Blackout: CNN, Fox, and MSNBC Ignore 50,000 US Day Of Rage Protesters 
September 17, 2011By Jason Easley
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Most Americans are being kept in the dark about the US Day of Rage by
the corporate cable news giants at CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC who have
imposed a de facto blackout on the protest.

Even though an estimated 50,000
/>  protesters have flooded into Manhattan to, "nonviolently disrupt
the disloyal, incompetent, and corrupt special interests which have
usurped our nation's civil and military power, spawning a host of
threats to our liberty, lives and national security," the three
cable news networks have devoted no airtime to the story.

This is becoming an all too familiar scene. In Wisconsin hundreds of
thousands of regular people took to the streets each weekend to protest
the theft of their rights, and were completely ignored by CNN, Fox News,
and MSNBC <> .

Sarah Palin's Iowa tea party speech was 1/50 as big as the Wisconsin
protests <> ,
yet she was deemed worthy of national media coverage.

The kowtowing of the corporate media to the conservative agenda
continued last week as CNN climbed in bed
<>  with the Tea
Party Express to host a Republican presidential debate that was chocked
full of rhetoric about how taxes must be cut to protect the same
"job creators" who crashed the US economy in 2008, and have
continued to reap record profits by sitting on bailout money, and not
hiring any new workers.

CNN decided that the Tea Party was a worthy news partner, but covering a
protest that is happening right under their very noses in New York City
is not important to the American people. (In fact as I type this, CNN is
running another self-congratulatory segment on their Tea Party Express
debate/total sellout to the right). No one expects the pro-business
corporate propaganda/GOP propaganda mouthpiece Fox News to devote any
coverage to the occupation of Wall Street, but the supposed progressive
news network, MSNBC can't "lean forward" long enough to turn
off their true crime doc block to cover an event that is happening
minutes away from their studios.

The corporate cable news media ignored Wisconsin, and now they are
ignoring the protests of regular Americans who want their democracy
placed back into their hands. The corporate media have proven time and
time again that they are an obstacle to, not a provider of truth. Unlike
the bogus tea party movement
<> , the Occupy
Wall Street protest features people of all ages, colors, shapes, sizes,
and political affiliations. These people are protesting a broken system.
They are protesting a loss of freedom. They are protesting inequality,
and they are fighting for our rights.

Whether or not the corporate media cameras are in attendance
<> , the protests will
go on. Americans will continue to march, and those who love their
country will continue to battle to make it better.

The conservative media bias of the cable news industry can and will be
overcome. We don't need video to feel the heart of America beat
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