On 09/22/2011 08:01 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> Denise Evans:
>> My father's wife last year was all up in arms last
>> April about the "double taxation" issue...
> Buffett's blathering is a lot of pernicious nonsense.

Like your blathering?

> What's needed is tax reform - everyone should pay a
> flat tax, if any. I'm opposed to all forms of income
> tax - it's my money. If the U.S. government cut the
> spending, most individuals would'nt have to pay very
> much income tax.

So how are you going to pay for roads, police, fire departments, water, 
sewage projects, education.  Oh I forgot, you want the US to look like 
Somalia. :-D
> Why not tax billionairs 50% or $75? Don't forget that
> most of 'the rich' are couples making over $250,000!

The increase on taxes if for individuals earning over a certain amount 
it would be adjusted for couples.  Use your brain if you still have one.

> According to the U.S. Census Bureau data from the
> National Data Book 2010 Statistical Abstract,
> District of Columbia, the U.S. Capital, is at the top
> 15 wealthiest areas on the percentage of households.

It's all those lobbyists hired by the big corporations.

> You think 'taxing the rich' in Washinton D.C. is
> going to create more jobs and balance the federal
> budget?

Yes, it will help.  And maybe make the congress critters wear patches 
showing who their big campaign contributors are.

> Come on - let's be a little realistic! Obama's plan
> is a non-starter and it's NOT going to create more
> jobs.

Make work jobs won't solve the problem.  Other than fixing the 
infrastructure what needs to be done?  Maybe it's time to become a 
leisure society.

> Recent studies have confirmed that approximately 49%
> of Americans pay NO Federal taxes at all. You can't
> cut taxes on a class that's not taxed! The higher
> the income taxes, the less tax is paid; lower the
> income tax, the more tax revenue is actually
> collected.

Please show us what tax bracket that 49% is in.  It's ain't the ones 
that file form EZs I bet.

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