Something given and allow for  (y)our altering mystical experiences:
History:The Bombing of Monte Cassino
TIME:Monday, Feb. 28, 1944
Monastery destroyed after translation slip by British intelligence

time to join my Super-radiance partner.....good night all of you

no no there is no space left [:D]
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> MZ having  a most peculiar view of God  "witnessing" the actual death
> the supernatural context of creation.
> Is trying to get mystical experiences after the Allied Bombing of Mt
> Cassino, really ambiguous at best?
> Is it not "strange" for a Christian/Catholic not to believe in
> resurrection?Or is it just a hero style pose a la Nietsche,''To give
> style'' to his character --  certainly a great and rare art according
> Friedrich Nietzsche? [;)] *
> Something given and allow for  (y)our altering mystical experiences:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcfMUHCV5bw&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNWw_ju_E2U&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI5QB0uM5Vs&feature=related
> History:The Bombing of Monte Cassino
> TIME:Monday, Feb. 28, 1944
> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,796392-1,00.html
> Error led to bombing of Monte Cassino
> Monastery destroyed after translation slip by British intelligence
> officer
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2000/apr/04/johnezard
> So may be just a "balls-up"
> BTW.If the actual German message received by the allied radio operator
> contained as many grammatical errors as the German in guardian's
> article, I'm not surprised confusion ensued
> e.g.'Ist Abt in Kloster?' and was answered, 'Ja in Kloster mit
> ="Ist der Abt im Kloster?"-"Ja im Kloster mit den Moenchen" etc etc
> The translation  was then 'Is the HQ in the abbey?' - the word 'Abt'
> being taken as an abbreviation for 'Abteilung' (a battalion) rather
> abbot.
> The key point is that all language contains built-in "redundancy" - we
> hear only a proportion of any verbal information that reaches us. In
> contrast of course  to all sorts of mystics, who, fairer and
> foolisher(Nietzsche), talk of "inspiration"and vision without any
> "redundancy" ? [:D]
> *But giving "style to one's character" may applies to the
> life-form of the individual and its identity. As soon as we talk about
> `form' (like in `life-form'), we certainly talk about
> the task of forming. And as soon as we do not assume that life-forms
> something given and allow for our altering them, we are authorized to
> raise the question of what kind of `stylesheet' applies to the
> task of forming.
> Does all pose of a "stylesheet" as though his real opinions had been
> discovered and attained through the self-evolving of a cold, pure,
> divinely indifferent dialectic , whereas, in fact, a prejudiced
> proposition, idea, or "suggestion," which is generally a heart's
> abstracted and refined, is defended by  with arguments sought out
> the event?

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