Forwarded from Shimohn Zilber <>

The experience I gave last Saturday, which many told me they like:

About the course "Individual is Cosmic" given by the Drs. Alarik and Cynthia Arenander

This is the third time in a row I'm taking this course. The second had a greater influence on me than the first, and the present one has brought me to unprecedented heights both during the program and activity.

Now, on the third evening Alarik gave us a clear explanation why repeating the course has such a profound effect. He showed us how after one day of exercising playing the piano, there is a black blot in some part of the brain, denoting a greater number of connections between neurons, which together with coherence means, to my best knowledge, a more efficient brain functioning. On the second day of playing the piano the black blot grew bigger, and so forth on the third, forth and fifth day. On the fifth it, actually, was at least 10 times as large as on the first day. The experiment was repeated, but this time with the piano played only in the mind - and the results were almost the same.

So this is what repeating this course does to our brains - with one difference: instead of doing it to some restricted part of the brain, it does it to the whole, the global brain. This matches my experience during the course that my whole brain - I tangibly feel it all over the brain - gets into a higher style of functioning. The whole brain feels full of light, there is a sense of fullness and of lightness - it just feels great. I also feel more and more tired, which I recognize as a sign that my body has gone through great transformation and needs, cries for, sleep to metabolize it all. This fatigue appears not only while watching the display, but also while listening to Cynthia and Alarik talk about Aatmaa, Veda, Brahm, Purusha and Prakrti.

After our second day on this third time I'm taking the course, between 2 flights, while my mind was wandering between thoughts, a thought occurred to me. You see, I'm coming to know the incredible Bliss and Light as me, and on that day I experienced them as undivided unity encompassing my body. Suddenly recalling that Maharishi has referred to both Bliss and Light as one and the same as Pure Consciousness, a thought hit me - my body is consciousness! It was not a mere theoretical thought born of analysis - it felt like a cognition, and I was so delighted and surprised that I clapped my hands - there in the midst of practice at the Dome. Sorry, brothers, I disturbed you.

I can't say that since then I know my body is Consciousness, but the misconception that it is just flesh and bones has been greatly shaken, and with another shake or more I hope to know it clearly.

On the evening of our fifth class I experienced for the first time in my life Unboundedness in activity. On the next day, I experienced it when I was gazing before program and afterwards at the holy pictures of Guru Dev, Maharishi, Mahaaraja Raam and the Holy Tradition and at the Maharishi Vedic Observatory. It felt wonderful wonderful. Throughout the 33 minutes of the display in the evening I was not only unbounded, but also incredibly silent and peaceful and unprecedentedly blissful, as the Chaandogya Upanishad declares: Naalpe sukham asti - bhuumhaiva sukham (There is no joy in smallness - Joy is in the infinite.)

Throughout my first year on the Invincible America Assembly my only experience was thoughts, thoughts and thoughts, so my dear dear Mahaaraja, it goes without saying (and I'm not saying it, of course) that I am grateful to you, Jalalatookoom (your Highness). I have no doubt that this course is one of the great gifts of Maharishi to the world, on par with Ayur Veda and chanting in Sanskrit.

So I intend on taking this course or any course centered around the model again and again. Bless you Alarik and Cynthia, and most of all - bless you our glorious Guru, Your Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who are always saying -

Jai Guru Dev
Shimohn Zilber
IAA and Vedic Science graduate student

Enlivening Perfection in Individual Life Through
Access to All the Laws of Nature Available in the
Sounds of the Veda and the Vedic Literature
Seven-Lesson Course - Afternoons 2-3:30 PM - Men's Dome

"Expecting nothing, I innocently began to watch and listen to the Vedic physiology model. Surprisingly as soon as it started, a beautiful sublime nectar-like bliss began to flow through my entire body and brain."

"This feeling of owning the Ved is quite an exhilarating experience that I can't get enough of, like a child who just finds out that it can use its legs to walk or its mouth to emit meaningful sounds.

"I feel the different areas of my body totally enlivened as the display lights up. The different areas feel very full, lively and pulsating with energy."

"I am experiencing deeper meditations and stronger flying."

"Since the course started, I feel as though the Ved stepped out of the books and entered my physiology. It is a great relief because I have been acutely aware lately of my body not following up with the wholeness growing in my consciousness. Now this course is bridging the gap between consciousness and matter (the body) so that I can be one whole person in body and mind. I feel that my body now is pulsating Ved.

"I have had bad hearing for 10 years, but it has improved since the course began. Before, I could not hear recitation without my hearing aid, but I can hear it quite clearly now without it.

"I noticed that when I am looking at the Model of the Vedic Physiology, I feel blissful, super happy feelings, coming from my heart and mind."

"For 40 years, I have had some pain and tenderness from a sports injury. Then, I re-injured the same injury about 5 years ago. When I finished the second course, it started to throb and the pain that has been with me for years disappeared and has been gone ever since."

"I perceived the "field" of being was lively everywhere, vibrant with soft, blissful wholeness. My experience changed within a moment from "I am that" inside, to also include "that" is pervading the space and everything outside of me as well.

"I am experiencing deeper program, clearer intellect and bliss throughout the day."

For the first time, a Vedic Physiology course is being offered with the aid of a beautiful electronic Model of Maharaja's discovery of Veda in the Human Physiology. This allows the viewer an opportunity to realize how these sounds enliven the body's innate intelligence. Maharaj explains that Total Natural Law is within us, and is available to us in the sounds of the Vedic Literature, which are vibrations of the Self. These sounds become the physiology, our brain, our heart-our whole physiology is an exact replica of the Veda and Vedic Literature. A live brainwave demonstration of meditation and listening to the Vedic sounds will provide a display of brain mechanics that express the dynamics of Veda - a direct visualization of Totality.

Sign up today! For info & registration EMAIL:
Maharishi University of Management
Continuing Education Courses
IAA & MUM: $45
Repeat course: $20
TWO WEEK FORMAT: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
     Sept 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th & Oct 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Afternoon Course to be Offered
Course runs 2-3:30 PM, afternoons in Men's Dome - More courses in Nov & Dec

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