Hi Everyone,  Here is the latest from George about the upcoming mind control 
event that may happen by the end of this year.  I think Maitreya may be part of 
the deception, the religious deity or "One World Religion".

Words of Wisdom 

Pending Global Mind Control Event 
Published in the Spiritual Times Magazine
September 2011     

I would like to bring to your attention the very real, and I will even go as 
far as saying, imminent, 'Pending Global Mind Control Event'. If we look back 
over 9/11 realistically, it becomes obvious that this was a Global Mind Control 
Event! All we have to do is look back with hindsight and remember the 
bombardment from the media through every avenue possible, be it TV, radio, 
print media or internet, and the rhetoric Obeythat was used. The media 
onslaught that ensued, imprinting a particular point of view into our psyche, 
through the repetitious patterning of specific words and images, was truly 
astounding. So, now look back at 9/11 and beyond, to all the other main events 
that have transpired back through time, whether it was terrorism, communism, 
and even further back to the Barbarians to the north for the Roman Empire, 
etc., there has always been a bogey man to try and get people to be afraid. 
That repetitive programme is implemented over and over again down through the 
millennia, but with a different flavour each time.  

If we all take a step back, look at 9/11 and say, "Ok that was a good one", 
remembering that this occurred 10 years ago, and consider that another 10 years 
of evolution have now passed with technologies and mind control techniques far 
in advance of the public arena, well, what more needs to be said?  Think of our 
journey on this planet as a Human Race, and our collective Human Psyche, as a 
huge ocean liner. You can't just run up to the bow, give it a kick in the side 
and expect it to turn in an instant. So what 'They' are doing is implementing 
intense surges of energy into the mind matrix on a regular basis, say about 
every decade or so, because changing the direction of such a great vessel 
requires a colossal amount of energy. The technique that is used is to do it in 
increments over a long period of time. We, as a race, are currently, and have 
been intensely for the past 6000 years, steered in a particular direction by an 
Inter-Galactic Cabal who wants to take us down a certain path. As our 
Consciousness is expanding and rising exponentially we are occasionally 
drifting from their route and agenda, so a more intense energetic surge within 
the mind matrix is required to once again alter the direction of this huge 

We are now well overdue for another such event. What I find interesting are the 
continuous attempts by those endeavouring to create 'The New World Order', the 
lower ranks within this Cabal, to implement such an event, but who's efforts 
are continually being thwarted by members and other factions much higher up in 
the ranks. What this says to me is that the next event that occurs will be a 
huge one. I want to tell people it is time to wake up and realise what is about 
to transpire, and to get ready for the next surge because it is going to be 
immense. 9/11 was impressive and did have a reasonable effect globally but this 
next one is going to make 9/11 look like an experiment in a petrie dish.  

Because this current cycle is ending, and 'We' along with our Earth Mother are 
'Ascending', this cabal will try and do everything in their power to plunge us 
deeper into a trance, because they desperately need to "harvest their human 
herd" before we are out of their reach. So whether it is going to be a 
financial collapse, nuclear detonation somewhere, or an attempt to start World 
War III, a fake alien invasion, Comet Elenin, a brown dwarf star, Nibiru or a 
Religious Deity, let's not get caught up in individual drama vortexes, and rise 
above the planetary and lower cosmic drama. Try not to make your main point of 
focus on what the flavour of event is going to be, but rather know that there 
is going to be an event. That way we can approach it with preparedness and 
detachment so when it does occur the media onslaught won't have the impact on 
our minds and our psyche like before. So because it will be pouring out of 
every media orifice possible, one way to approach it is like two people that 
you know are having an argument, so you say to them, "You know what, this 
belongs to you, and I am NOT going to be a part of it. I love you 
unconditionally, so I am NOT going to get drawn into your drama vortex". It is 
the same principle. You can also say within yourself "This time I will not 
allow the rhetoric, the barrage and onslaught on my mind to affect me like 

So, this article is not about being negative and me being a doomsayer, no, not 
at all. This is about self -empowerment! My warning is that we should all be 
prepared for the next global event whether it is one of the fore mentioned 
possibilities, or some, or maybe even all. The challenge for us will be to stay 
centred and true to one's own sovereignty, because all the other options that 
will be on offer, are specifically designed for you to give your power away to 
them, one way or another.

I honestly feel if we responsibly start talking about it now, this time we 
won't be caught out. This time let us not be taken by surprise. This is about 
awareness. Fore warned is fore armed!  

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