One of the joys of being somewhat of a troll by nature is knowing that -- unlike many here -- I *know* that at least a few people on this forum will read what I write, whatever I write. The few who like it will click on the post and see if its subject matter interests them and then either read it or not, depending on how they feel that day, and that's just fine with me. The majority who have figured out that I rarely say anything of interest to them will just click Next. But the ones who know in advance that they *won't* like it, because it comes from...uh...ME, will not only read it, but read every word.
They have to. They -- being classic trollvictims, and compelled to answer and rebut anything that challenges either who they are or what they believe, and knowing that I have done so in the past -- are terrified to skip any post. They're afraid that I will mention them or something they believe, and they won't have the opportunity to reply. This gives me an advantage that they do not have. I really don't much give a shit what they think (or say) about me. Besides, most of them are so predictable that a discerning reader can figure out what they're going to say in the body of their posts from the precis shown in Message View. After all these years of predictability, why would anyone ever need to read more? This is Troll Heaven. I know that they'll be reading every word of every post I write. Thus I get to write in these cafes about whatever the fuck I want, including writing about subjects that I know will push the buttons they wear on their sleeves that say, in big letters, PUSH ME. Or not. Either way, they're MY captive audience. Their very obsession with me makes them one. Let's pause now, and allow them to try to find some way to deny it. :-)