 From: wr...@westernpac.org
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 10/1/2011 11:22:41  A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Federal pensions coming to a  head

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Dear  Patriot,  

There is a looming crisis in federal  spending that has been conveniently 
ignored by the mainstream media.  Federal retirement benefits have soared for 
civil servants and military  personnel, but the government has not put a 
single dollar in reserve to  pay for the benefits! This is one more example of 
the irresponsible way  Congress spends our tax dollars.

By law, private retirement plans  are required to be pre-funded. Meanwhile 
the Federal government does not  hold itself to the same standard, kicking 
the metaphorical can down the  road by offering retirement benefits without 
creating a retirement  account to pay the bills. Private pension plans hold 
over $2.3 trillion  in stocks, bonds and other assets, and even state and 
local governments  hold over $3 trillion in reserves to pay retirement benefits 
as they  should.

Last year the federal government paid a record $268  billion in retirement 
benefits out of general fund revenues. All total,  the unfunded liability 
for federal and military retirement benefits  stands at $5.7 trillion, which 
is dangerously close to the unfunded  mandate of social security which has an 
expected shortfall of $6.5  trillion. By abdicating their responsibility to 
assure the long term  health of our economy, Congress chooses to kick the 
can down the road a  little further each year, leaving us at a point where 
there is no more  road to kick down.

The problem is not the government employees  who were promised a retirement 
plan when they were hired. For many,  retirement benefits were the deciding 
factor between a private sector  career and choosing the security of a 
government pension program. My  issue is with elected leaders who use money 
should fund retirement  benefits for government workers on pet projects and 
pork-barrel spending  instead.

It is not a matter of stripping promised retirement  benefits from retired 
federal workers, just as we have no desire to take  away Social Security 
benefits from those who depend on them. The answer  lies in significant 
reduction of the federal government by returning to  Constitutional limits on 
federal power. Power must be returned to the  states, ending the Big Brother 
mentality pervasive in Washington DC. We  don’t need a Washington bureaucrat 
deciding what's best for our  communities, and it's clear we also cannot afford 

Our  movement must stay vigilant and organized as we roar from the rooftops 
 to stop the financial insanity running rampant in the halls of  government 
before it is too late.

For more information about the  subject, or to make a comment, please visit 
_our  blog_ 
KprpJq3DLmNs0og2tS-DWaJmx_4cVlJsBFK-zUd3-N-RVA6q) .


Roger Stockton
Co-Founder, Western  Representation PAC


Donate using PayPal below


You  can also mail your contributions to:

Western Representation PAC
PO Box  50655
Sparks, NV 89435


Paid for by Western Representation PAC, a federal political  action 
committee which is responsible for the content of this message.  Not authorized 
any candidate or candidate's  committee.

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Western  Representation | 1811 Newman Pl | Carson City | NV | 897036  

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