What is your take on modern architecture?

"People living in big houses suffer many ailments. It’s because vaastu is not 
properly followed in these houses.

My horoscope said I would die at the age of 75. But at 82, I am still alive. I 
escaped death because I have been following the science of Vaastu â€" the Vedic 

So instead of taking his life beyond the prediction as evidence that his belief 
in Jyotish was unfounded, he doubles down with another ancient superstition!

Humans have the cognitive gaps of Swiss cheese.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69" <shukra69@...> wrote:
> He was given the highest honor from Maharishi as the greatest living 
> authority but they did not work together much and their systems of Vaastu 
> differ in some respects. Here is an interview in which he credits Vaastu with 
> prolonging his life beyond what was predicted by Jyotish.
> http://www.sify.com/news/i-escaped-death-because-of-vaastu-ganapati-sthapati-news-features-jixmfkhcdae.html

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