thx, I find your testimonials and opinions to be most valuable; but from my 
pov...I simply put them into the category of "one person's experiences"; along 
with many conflicting accounts of results. The collection of data is ongoing 
but my conclusions differ from yours.
Your input is always welcomed, in my book....most of the time.

 rn o

--- In, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Yifu <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> > active ingredient SDG (secoisolariciresinol diglucoside).
> >
> >
> > from Health Sciences Institute, Vol 16, No. 2:
> > "Flax lignans knock out prostrate cancer and eaase BPH symptoms", page 2.
> > [based on their review of the studies].  Numerous papers online.
> >
> >
> >
> I and many others took Flax Lignans.   One of the big proponents of FL was a
> guy was a cancer researcher at UC Berkley who died of causes which appear
> made up and obfuscated.    He was a Type II diabetic who didn't want to
> control his weight and allegedly died of pneumonia when he was waiting to
> have a melanoma removed.   His big thing was Methyl Jasmonate.   His claim
> to fame?   A half dozen testimonials of how MJ improved the quality of life
> of certain cancer patents who, unfortunately, died a few months later.   Had
> one advisoree who waited and watched while her breast cancer started to
> weight about 15 kg.

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