--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> As everybody even down in Texas knows, PataƱjali himself
> doesn't seem to call the results of various saMyama_s in
> the third book of YS siddhi_s but rather vibhuuti_s, because
> the title of that book is vibhuuti-paada.
> The only time the word siddhi is used in the 3rd book
> is the "infamous":
> te samaadhaav upasargaa vyutthaane siddhayaH (nominative plural
> from 'siddhiH').
> Many modern Indian gurus, and stuff, don't know Sanskrit very
> well, so they seem to read that suutra in a way that in
> their petty minds changes the predicative at the end (siddhayaH)
> to an apposition, or perhaps even the subject, in that suutra.
> The real subject of that sentence, of course, is the pronoun
> 'te' that per e.g. Vyaasa and Bhojadeva refers *only* to
> the "divine" senses (TM: finest hearing, etc.) mentioned in the previous 
> suutra!
> It seems really dense to think that PataƱjali said saMyama's
> are impediments to samaadhi, because the first suutra
> of the IV book states:
> janmauSadhi-mantra-tapaH-samaadhi-jaaH siddhayaH.
> So, *...samaadhi-jaaH siddhayaH*: siddhis are born of samaadhi
> (and some other stuff mentioned in that suutra)!
> (Perhaps the reason why Maharishi wanted to "misspell" 'siddhi'
> as 'sidhi' was that he didn't want to use the word 'TM-vibhuutis'
> even if that might have been more true to the suutra_s,
> probably because 'sidhi' sounds cooler, so to speak, than
> vibhuuti...)
>       vibhUti mfn. penetrating , pervading Nir. ; abundant , plentiful RV. ; 
> mighty , powerful ib. ; presiding over (gen.) ib. viii , 50 , 6 ; m. N. of a 
> Sa1dhya Hariv. ; of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh. ; of a king VP. ; f. 
> development , multiplication , expansion , plenty , abundance Ka1v. Katha1s. 
> &c. ; ****manifestation of might , great power , superhuman power (consisting 
> of eight faculties , especially attributed to S3iva , but supposed also to be 
> attainable by human beings through worship of that deity , viz. %{aNiman} , 
> the power of becoming as minute as an atom ; %{laghiman} , extreme lightness 
> ; %{prA7pti} , attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of 
> the finger] [979,1] ; %{prAkAmya} , irresistible will ; %{mahiman} , 
> illimitable bulk ; %{IzitA} , supreme dominion ; %{vazitA} , subjugating by 
> magic ; and %{kAmA7vasAyitA} , the suppressing all desires)**** ib. ;

Carde; next time this Vaj-fellow throws some sanskrit words and sentences 
around, why don't you have a look at it ? He's clearly lying about his 
"understanding" of how TM is practised, as Judy has shown. I wouldn't be 
surprized if his understanding of sanskrit is just as hollow.

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