Atman and Brahman and others,

You are not the only one who finds Robin weird. (I do however enjoy, read and 
learn from his posts though)

I have several issues with his positions

1) Reality - if I'm not mistaken he seems to thinks there is one reality 
(physical, mental??) - I believe each individual creates their own reality 
though unaware of it. We may share large portions of physical reality but one 

2) Omnisubjectivity - that God is Omnisubjective, I don't believe in this 
at all. No one can be truly enter the subjective space of another, see #1, we 
can only try to guess based on our subjective experience, feel and empathize. 
(of course I believe we can never empathize with another, most just project 
their drama on to others, the least we can do is to be just present which can 
only be done by someone who has truly realized, see #4). Heck I don't even 
believe in Omniscience.

3) The curious case of missing God - that he is missing from his creation - yes 
kind of, I believe in the concept of one that has manifested as many, so he is 
missing in a way but very much present as every one of them. In line with 

4) Enlightenment, Vedic Gods mystical deceit - that the state of oneness isn't 
supported by reality, what reality (?? - see #1), I believe this oneness isn't 
deceit, it's the end of separation and the recognition and unbroken awareness 
one being the creator of one's own reality.

5) A Catholic God - this is too silly to even comment on.

The concept of trying to explain the creator seems stupid to me, it's like the 
dream objects trying to figure out the dreamer and the agents through which the 
dream is occurring. The closest we can get to is acknowledging that we are in a 

OK that's the best I can do for now, however if you are going to press me too 
much I'm not so sure on any of the above  :-)

All I can say for sure is that Robin may have weird opinions, but he is very 
kind, charming, and intelligent, in sum a great guy and I love him.

--- In, "at_man_and_brahman" 
<at_man_and_brahman@...> wrote:
> Robin,
> Your posts are among the only ones I bother to read. I save many of them in a 
>running file, knowing that I'll be reading them years from now.
> It amazes me that no one seems to get the incredible weirdness of your core 
>points, which we've discussed several times, namely that one person acquired 
>within a single lifetime not just one but three Universal Truths, 1.0, 2.0, 
>3.0.* Sometimes, I wonder if even *you* get it.
> Those who like your posts seem to be in a bit of fog, often thinking that you 
>and they are kindred in some way. The fact is, you're a total anomaly, utterly 
>unlike anyone else who posts here. Or more precisely, you hold a POV utterly 
>unlike that of any other FFLer.
> I don't fault you for any of this. I'm quite fond of it. In particular, I 
> think 
>your powers of elucidation are very solid--perhaps a tad wordy--and express 
>beliefs adequately to get and hold at least my attention. I assume you're 
>familiar with the 80/20 rule?
> I have mentioned before that you would probably find Escape into the Light a 
>good read. 
> It's the closest story I've read to yours, though still quite different. 
> After 
>all, you're an anomaly. 
> *UT 1.0: Became a "knower of reality" under Maharishi, in the sense of being 
>one of the chosen few who were leading his cause for the Age of Enlightenment
> UT 2.0: Became enlightened, cognized a yet-higher truth, developed a 
> following, 
>and then did all in his power to create a new arena of intolerance within the 
>Movement, setting the stage for other such breakaway higher-truth movements, 
>especially Ravi Shankar/Art of Living
> UT 3.0: Became a student of Tommy Aquinas, learning the real reality, and 
> then 
>became the first person ever to systematically dismantle his enlightenment 
>through a conscious, though still-undisclosed, act of will
> --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > Robin renews his post to Bob Price having much fewer readers at this point. 
>Well, I guess the question then becomes: If all that you say is in some sense 
>true, Robin, you have not done the kind of job reality would have liked you to 
>have done in order for people to pay close attention to this truth. And so be 
>it. Reality it seems is *there* in my personal consciousness, but perhaps I 
>the requisite gift (bestowed only partially on me) to give adequate and 
>expression to this truth about the matter of how objective one's subjectivity 
>is: as in: did Amsterdam hit the mark more than did San Francisco?

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