Thank-you for sharing the positive stuff about the  Yagyas.

--- In, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> > I always think of that
> > Kaplan email that circulated where he discovered in India that
> > enlightenment wasn't considered all that difficult to achieve.  Of
> > course MMY complicated it a bit so that the carrot was always too high
> > because then people would pay more for courses to "reach enlightenment".
> >
> >
> I have been a very heavy sponsor of yagyas (not Maharishi yagyas) for the
> past 11 years and a very, very heavy sponsor for the past year and a half.
> I have a sponsorship group for which I pay the fees for people who span from
> Australia to Northern Europe.  We can attest that after decades for some of
> us, years for the younger ones and no TM or TM sidhis for the very old ones,
> the jumps we've made in outlook, experience and being less bothered by it
> all are way beyond what any of us have experienced on an aggregate of a
> couple years on IA or teaching for a couple years at MUM.  We have a baby
> about to be born to a barren couple, two oldsters who've jumped out of
> Alzheimer's, old people who fell, broke hips, got out of hospital faster
> than a teenage footballer (of any country) would.   It's amazing when we
> compare our progress with the last couple to 40 years of doing TM, up to 35
> years of doing the TM sidhis, running in elections for the Natural Law Party
> and yes, currently teaching full time at MUM.
> My inner voice told me when I started TM that Maharishi had no intention of
> us becoming enlightened, that the TM sidhis were never for personal
> evolution and now I see they weren't even for world peace.   This inner
> voice gnawed at me all of these years.   Now I see that TM was a form of
> amusement and a reason to be weird until my group and I eventually wised up
> and took real action.   That real action, BTW, was spurred on by a poster to
> alt.meditation.transcendential when I complained of being stuck.   The
> poster advised when feeling stuck, sponsor yagyas.
> I am sure that by now the TMO has to be aware of the private Vedic temple in
> VC and the by invitation only yagyas performed there.   No, not Maharishi
> yagyas.  Real, experienced priests of high regard (except in the TMO).
> Yes, I do have an invite for next time I'm in the area.
> Spare me the bullshit that paying downtrodden, third world country little
> boys to do yagyas for you is an abomination and that yagyas performed by
> another don't have any bit of the power doing your own simple pujas do.
> Our priests in India are associated with a pundit school on a Math.  Also, I
> engage all the senior temple priests in a very prestigious temple town near
> a Math.    Don't waste my time telling me I can do better myself.  I've
> performed pujas for myself for years.   None of the power from these pundit
> school elders and senior temple priests.   I don't want to debate the value
> of yagyas.  But I stand by my assertions about TM/TM Sidhi Programmes.

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