--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> …is hidden in Hindi documentation. Vedic Al-qaeda?
> Technological innovation led to what  I  term "High Tech  Unstressing," 
> playing on the word Maharishi uses to describe complaints or manifestations 
> of  dissatisfaction  that are "natural" outcroppings of the meditation 
> process.40 Simply put, legions of former TMers have taken to the World Wide 
> Web  to "unstress"—they point out numerous discrepancies  between what they 
> were initially taught and what they later came to learn. Maharishi's attempt 
> to put the Veda in the words of Western science and only gradually reveal 
> ultimate truth (however neatly that coheres with his philosophy of teaching 
> Advaita and yoga) not  only failed to convince most Elite Hindus whom he 
> attracted, but led to direct accusations of fraud.
> Such charges are exacerbated by current developments, which are openly 
> lampooned on sites by former TMers. Not content with providing the individual 
> with a panoply of Vedic tools for mere self-transformation, in 1992 Mahar- 
> ishi  helped create a full-fledged political entity called the Natural Law 
> Party, which  aims to achieve world  transformation. Fueling the party 
> rhetoric are premises  about the universe, mankind, and social relations that 
> have tradition- ally been labeled "Hindu," but which are promoted by the 
> party in the United States and other Western countries as secularized 
> "natural law."
> Yet comparing documents written in English and in the Hindi language, the 
> party rhetoric has a profoundly different flavor when tasted in India. There, 
> the  Indian corollary to the "Natural Law Party"—the Ajeya or "unconquerable" 
> Bharat "India" Party—makes no pretense about its intentions: jettisoning 
> "alien  education, alien medicine, alien defense, alien economics, alien 
> foreign policy, and  alien laws," and urging the success of the 
> "Indianization of India." The Ajeya  Bharat Party's mission is to promote and 
> create a state grounded in knowledge  of   the  laws  of  prakriti,  the  
> Hindu  concept  of  materiality or "nature."
> Gurus In America (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies), ch. 3 "Maharishi Mahesh 
> Yogi: Beyond the TM Technique by Cynthia Humes (© 2005 State University of 
> New York)

MMY was a clever fellow, hey he got millions to meditate and changed the World 
in many ways. Do think he could have done that as a traveling Hindu...I doubt 

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