Maybe there was a reason why the Chakras were ignored.  The vast majority of 
metators in the movement have only 2 colors, Indigo and Violet. Ungrounded 
spoace cadets are happy, dependant, and somewhat more eaisly controlled.  
HMMMMMMMM. YOu are not going to walk on water without all your colors either.  
People with  serious colr problems, are not understood by others all their 
colors or different colors.  Those with the same unbalanced colors tend to seek 
out those with same.Their life is focused their spiritual beliefs and not much 
else.  They don't understand people with normal colors, esspecially their 
spiritual outlooks. Manifestation of the basic things in life, like money, 
become hard to come by.  Their normal defences are down and can be more eaisly 
persuaded of things they mioght normally take acceptance to.  Why was something 
so important, and so simple to take care of, be left out entirely in the 
teachings of the movement.  So much so that, when talked about, or questioned 
about around those with so called rank, that they get a little more than 
defencewive about it?  Do you know how to keep all of your colors every day.  
It only takes 30 seconds.  I am only touching on the highlights here.  Lets 
hear from you out there.


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