Only of historical significance to academics writing their PhD's - like David 
Christopher Lane, a disciple of Charan Singh.
Another Guru Who Stayed Home - Sawan Singh, shown here with his disciple Kirpal 
Singh on his right.  Kirpal came out into the world with the Sant Mant 
meditation, reaching NY in 1955; thus predating MMY and sowing some of the 
seeds of the expansion of Consciousness Movements of the 60's.

Kirpal wasn't mentioned in Sawan Singh's will. The "official" successorship 
went to Jagat Singh who didn't live long, then to Sawan's Nephew, Charan Singh 
(Guru of David Christopher Lane)... In a historical perspective, for all 
practical purposes Kiral Singh was the most prominant of the inheritors of 
Sawan's Sant Mat Tradition.
Paul Twitchell was initiated by Kirpal Singh in 1955 and went on to found 
Eckankar. Twitchell was influenced a lot by Scientology. 

So Go Figure:  SBS --> MMY.

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