The energy of love is absolutely neutral. It is neither `good'
nor `bad'. We think of love as being all good. It is neutral. It
is the `Sword of Cleavage' which is used by the Christ
deliberately to stimulate all Beings. It stimulates the good and the
bad. It stimulates the selfish and greedy, and at the same time the
altruism of others.

It creates a line down the middle so humanity can see where it has to
stand, with no blurred edges, just where is the good and where is the
evil, where the greed and where the true soul altruism.

There are people who pretend to themselves that they are selfless and
all for the good of the world. But at the basis of their life they are
greedy and selfish. The Sword of Cleavage cuts through this hypocrisy,
and shows people in their true light. So we can see clearly that if we
go one way, it will make for total disaster. If we go another, it will
make for regeneration and a new world. (Benjamin Creme, The Art of
Living: Living within the Laws of Life)\

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