Thanks Em, for sharing.

(and thanks to Judy for the simple tip about cutting or copying links
that aren't linkable onto the search bar on the top)

--- In, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...>
> Oh mon dieu. Â Excusez-moi s'il vous plait. Â Je suis desolee.
 Merci beaucoup.
> Warning: Â Read at your own risk
> I realize this is going to sound kind of schizophrenic but I am
retiring my name and rebranding. Â You can call me Emily or Em or
Em-dash or whatever else. I have taken pity on myself and have taken
Denise off the front lines for now - her own name is creating too much
angst for her. Â She doesn't want to represent at this time - she's
experiencing PTSD and is going to start EMDR in January (yes, and will
be meditating too). Â Somebody needs to have that poor girl's back
24/7 in the real world - she's been having a rough go. Â It occurred
to me that that person has to be me. Â Imagine that. I meditated
yesterday and visualized her as a child and she is quaking in her boots.
 And, bloodletting all over this forum is really not the right way
to go for her. I'm only going to do it this last time - hopefully. Â
I have also let her know that nailing herself to the garage door or
prostrating herself in front of her lawnmower won't improve her image in
> neighborhood. Â So, Emily is stepping in to help her. Â
> Obbajeeba, I am not holding your poor taste in video that morning
against you in the slightest. Â I will say that I much preferred the
one with Ginger in it that Bob sent, care of his wife. Â I know you
didn't mean to set off such a reaction in me and it was a pretty good
joke, objectively, I do agree. Â I triggered heavily, which is
actually a good thing, and I blame it all on the voodoo (see video at
end of post). Â I might have even had a wet dream just prior to the
days' long rolling shame attacks that ensued. Â Kind of like an ocean
wave. Â They are happening a lot these days. Â I breathe through
them and allow them to wash over me. It was very kind of you to think of
me after I posted out and I don't want you to feel at all badly. Â
I'm moving forward and I do feel lighter :)
> To Bob's wife, I am extremely appreciative of your very fabulous
response and I am letting go of any guilt I might be harboring
subconsciously. Â I am definitely not a threat in any way....and I
look nothing like Cameron there is nothing to worry about
there either. Â Although I do hope to resemble Maria Bello in a
year's time. Â
> Bob is a lucky man, which we all know on this forum. Â After
hearing from you, he is even luckier than we might have imagined. Â I
unsubscribed soon after I posted and didn't see this until now. Â I
was thinking today that I should go back and check the thread but I've
been too frightened. Â I knew I lobbed one out there and then ran for
my marmot hole. I always underestimate this forum - I was kinda hoping
that if I didn't look, it wouldn't be there. Â Again, not so. Â
> I am almost convinced, not quite, but almost, on the TM. Â Yes, I
absolutely want the benefits exactly as you have described and never
have I heard them so well put, may I add. Â But, I'm not buying the
whole "value" line of reasoning at the price its being offered - not at
all - my subjective principles are at play :) Â And, the remaining
pennies in my piggy bank are being saved to buy me as much time off as I
can get in the coming year. Â I was hoping I could use the Leonard
Cohen mantra - the secret of the universe - if you haven't seen the
video I/Emily posted earlier, it's a good one - last two minutes for the
mantra. Â And he is so cute when he smiles. Â But, now its out
there and off limits. Â I keep forgetting.
> I have discovered that a buddhist monk kind of a guy is living several
doors down from where I live who is doing/teaching a meditation group.
 I am getting his number, as for me, I want to believe in my current
state of disrepair that meditation is meditation is meditation and that
this practice will work as well as the next at this point in time. Â
My head is barely above water, after all. Â Yes, I will pay, but its
a nominal fee. Â I did my own thing yesterday for 30 minutes and it
totally changed my day, so I know there is something to this. Â Hours
of classical music are also helping. Â My expectations are low, so
I'm sure they'll be met.
> We all have a story. Â I will keep this fairly brief but I was
sexually assaulted 1.5 years ago by get this, a husband. His wife, my
primary friend in the relationship, had left for their island retreat
with the kids (one of them mine) and I sat down with a glass of wine to
"shoot the sh*t" with her husband, who I hadn't seen in awhile, and who
was staying behind. Â In hindsight, he must have been drinking
heavily throughout the day (he had a very high tolerance and it was hard
to tell). In hindsight, they had invited me to their wedding anniversary
at Teatro Zinzani the year before as they "weren't enjoying just
spending time with themselves anymore." Â In hindsight, he lost his
mind. Â It was a physical fight and he didn't get what he wanted at
the time. Â He apologized, but it was too late. Â
> I cut off contact with both of them immediately. Â I begged off
dinner invitations. I forced myself through one ski day with my friend
because I knew she had no idea. Â I did the George Costanza
line..."it's not you, it's me," which was also true in that I was full
into my corporate death spiral at that time. Â I asked myself, "What
will be gained by me telling her?" Â They were "do" friends -
backpacks, ski trips, camping trips, dinners, parties...she didn't like
to talk emotional anything. Â We were always about the activity - our
friendship was very "stereotypical male" in that regard. Â But, I was
already pulling away because I was turning into an emotional wreck and
was having trouble pretending or getting the energy up to "do." Â
> It would be excruciating; it would blow their marriage apart; it would
blow our families apart; betrayal, pain, and suffering. Â Our kids
went to yoga together - why ruin their world? Â It would be the end
of the relationship anyway. Â I agonized over this, because I am
usually pretty direct and I like to think I am an honest person. Â I
asked myself as Bob likes to say, accept seriously in this case, "Was it
something I said?" And then, "Was I giving off sexual energy in some way
that he picked up on and thought I wanted back?" Â "Was my
vulnerability showing through?" Â After all, it is always the woman's
fault isn't it? Â She asked for it, after all, didn't she? Â I've
known them for 10 years - nothing even resembling this kind of
interaction or conversation had ever occurred.Â
> So, in the end, I determined it "wasn't on my dot." Â It really
wasn't my fault. Â IÂ couldn't take on being the one in the
middle, bringing their problems to a focus at point blank range on my
forehead. If she had been my best friend, I would have told the
story, because I know she would have believed me and it would have been
about honoring the friendship, first and foremost. But, she wasn't my
best friend in that sense - she didn't own her feelings - she would have
looked for someone to blame - it would have been me. I chose
"situational ethics." So, you see, when that video was posted, I freaked
out - even though it had absolutely nothing to do with any of you at
all. Â
> I am living in my "pain body" as Eckhart Tolle would say. Â I know
it; I have to stop feeding it. Â I have a plan. Â I need to keep
it light here. Â This post is not that light, but Emily is in charge
now and she has better executive function, so there's hope for the
future. Â
> By the way, I created my name - "the Reyn part" based on the weather
here, but see now nicely it dovetails with the video Raindrops Keep
Falling....In the end, I really do blame it all on the voodoo. Â
> And, luckily for me, I located some speakers for my laptop in my
garage. Â And, I hooked them up, and they work.
> ________________________________
> From: obbajeeba
> To:
> Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 5:39 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yo Denise
> Â
> --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@
> > To: ""
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:57:10 AM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
> >
> >
> >
> > Nice to hear from "the wife" and glad to hear that you have given up
all pretenses to reign in Bob and letting fat chance and old age do its
work :-)
> >
> >
> >
> > On Nov 14, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > >-Denise
> > >
> > >This is my first and (I hope to God) last post on Fairfield Life.
I'm "the
> > >wife". I asked Bob to let me send you a post, after he showed me
this post
> > >of yours. Bob shows me a lot of FFL posts, but the ones I enjoy the
most are
> > >yours and Judy's. I enjoy your posts because you have a great sense
of humor
> > >and do not take yourself too seriously, and I admire Judy for
standing up to
> > >some obvious sexism.
> > >
> > >Thank you for asking Bob to share your post with me; I appreciate
you watching my
> > >back. I wouldn't be too concerned though; I'm confident the chances
of Bob
> > >finding another brunette version of a Cameron Diaz doppelganger are
about as
> > >narrow as (I'm told) my very narrow ankles. Not that Bob isn't
> > >he's all of that, but as I'm sure you've guessed, he's getting a
bit long in
> > >the tooth. I agree with your take on the "after sex" video,
> > >to Bob, Obbajeeba was scraping the bottom of his nitrous oxide tank
(I have no
> > >idea what that means) and got a bit carried away. The only part of
> > >this post that's Bob's is this link, which Bob insists is the link
> > >should have sent.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >I have no doubt you and I could keep up with Ginger, but Bob as
Fred, maybe on his
> > >keyboard.
> > >
> > >The reason I wanted to send you this post was to do something I've
never done
> > >before; recommend you get initiated into TM. I'm not a promoter of
TM, and
> > >unlike Bob, I've only been mediating for a couple of years. I've
been following
> > >your posts describing some of your recent health challenges. Based
on the last
> > >few years of meditating, it's been my experience that TM might just
be the kind
> > >of technique that would help you with the passage you are presently
> > >through. TM is subtle; it's been my experience that it unlocks
something that's
> > >already there; I like to think of it as a slight edge (no
fireworks) like the
> > >slight edge top performers have. I don't mean it makes everyone a
> > >performer, I don't believe it does; I believe it opens this edge of
a little
> > >more energy, a little more clarity and a little more happiness, and
I believe
> > >that slight edge makes many of the normal challenges life, throws
at us, a lot
> > >less daunting. I run my own company, and I've been impressed by how
it helps me
> > >when I should be running on empty.
> > >
> > >When I started a few years ago, I thought Bob was an idiot for not
teaching me and
> > >insisting I pay the 4 figures to get initiated. I wanted to know
why the hell
> > >he won't teach me, but he insisted I go to the TM center to learn
(he said he didn't want
> > >me to use it against him, if we ever ended up in court:). Since my
> > >meditation, I have not asked him why again. The point I'm trying to
make is
> > >that if you can manage the fee, I would not hesitate to recommend
> > >you pay it. I can't honestly explain it, but for what it costs why
mess with
> > >the system, if it will help you find in yourself what you need to
come out the
> > >other side of what you're presently going through. It's also been
my experience
> > >(with your corporate background, I'm sure you know this as well)
people value
> > >what they pay for. And lastly, something happened when I went
through the puja
> > >the day I was initiated, it might just be me but something seemed
to happen
> > >between my initiator and me that made me feel she's on my side. I
recommend you
> > >get a female initiator, frankly, some of the male initiators seem a
bit odd to
> > >me, but then the guy I sleep with seems a bit odd to me at times,
so what can I say. I
> > >have no doubt; TM works, and it works well.
> > >
> > >I can't believe I just wrote this.
> > >
> > >Best of luck.
> > >
> > >________________________________
> > >From: Denise Evans dmevans365@
> > >To:
> > >Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 2:03:23 AM
> > >Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
> > >
> > >Thank you Bob:
> > >
> > >That is a great quote.
> > >
> > >My occipital lobe enjoys everything you post :)  My frontal
and parietal lobes struggle to keep up.  I forwarded the last one
for later viewing. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >My musical reply is posted at the end of this soliloquy. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >It has come to my attention that my "debt to equity ratio" is high
- quite a bit higher than I'm comfortable with.  Ultimately, I'm
in search of the "win/win" solution for my Self - fantasy/hallucination
or no.  I've got some "action items" I need to "own" and
"implement".  I'm all about the client, you know, regardless.
 In that my current client is myself or Self, if you prefer, I'm
just trying to "bring it on home." ÂÂ
> > >
> > >I am "retooling" my strategy with my new client in mind. ÂÂ
I'm pretty sure I'll find that I'm no longer in the driver's seat, but
I've done plenty of strategy in my life and I was pretty good at it in
my particular line of work, so my Ego insists on trying to help. ÂÂ
After all, I had a lot of success - the clients were happy and so was I.
 Unfortunately, hindsight tells me, it was all at the expense of
my nervous system and other systems I was unaware of at the time.
 Whoops. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >Nothing was more gut-wrenchingly painful than watching myself
self-destruct.  I was perched outside my body and staying
objective, so I knew what was happening, but the forward momentum was
stronger than my ability to stop it.ÂÂ
> > >
> > >I made some critical errors along the way....I forgot to develop an
exit strategy, for example.  I remedied this immediately upon
realizing the error, but it was too late. I'd taken so many sucker
punches and "hits" in the final years that my body/Self said: "No deal,
not this time - I'm running the show now. I am removing you as CEO - you
are out of touch and doing a crap job - there is no "value added" from
your input."
> > >
> > >Luckily for me, the larger God/universe stepped in and gave me a
way out - it only cost $36 million of our taxpayer dollars.  With
my last remaining strength, I dove for door.  I set up the
meeting, I cleaned out my desk.  I moved everything I wanted to
my car.  My layoff was in the bag and I had a credible story to
substantiate it.  When they walked me out, I hugged my manager
and thanked her profusely.  And then, I went to bed.
> > >
> > >I am in serious recovery in every respect - I thank you for your
part in helping move me from the "living dead" to ÂÂ
"hmmmm.....what is this?" Thank you for helping me get back in my body.
 It actually was an unintended consequence of me partaking in a
medicinal variety by myself for the first time since high school.
 I did an awful lot of dancing and you did help me stay tethered
to the planet that night. I hope it was as good for you as it was for
me.  Please tell the "wife" everything - I'm sure she will
understand, and for the fuckin' record, in case anyone on this forum is
wondering, I don't mess around with married men ever (Sorry, I just had
to say that because of that "after sex" video - can't let that lie there
with no response.  What, in God's name will people think of me?
 I'll be condemned and burned at the stake.  I like it
hot, but not that hot.) ÂÂ
> > >
> > >Phase II is "on deck."  It's time to heal. My sister sent me
a 2012 Burning Man calendar as a gentle nudge.  I don't know,
looks pretty crazy to me. However, she is smarter than I am, so perhaps
she knows best.  I took an IQ test today and while I am sure it's
inaccurate, I am not as stupid as I thought.  Does one need a
high IQ to attend?  I am a bit of a sandbagger at times. ÂÂ
In terms of reasoning, that is. Not sure what the larger intellect is
doing. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >Obbajeeba, if you read this, you have also been an enormous help to
me and thank you so much for acknowledging my existence on the planet
and finding me pretty men to look at. This is where I am starting. And
that line about the crickets was priceless. ÂÂ
> > >
> > >I'll be back later, if only to lurk and practice "silence" (Yeah,
> > >
> > >I leave you with my absolutely favorite song from one of the movies
you posted a song about (I think).  The all-time best of George
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >________________________________
> > >From: Bob Price bobpriced@
> > >To: ""
> > >Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 2:45 PM
> > >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
> > >
> > >Denise,
> > >
> > >IMO, you're one of the real delights on FFL.
> > >
> > >I thought you might enjoy the following:
> > >
> > >"The true object of propaganda is neither to convince or persuade,
but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first
trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."
> > >
> > >-Leonard Shapiro
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > >       ÂÂ
> > >
> >   ÂÂ
> >

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