Est tres belle :)

> From: Bob Price <>
>To: "" <> 
>Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 8:15 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yo Denise
>full SCREEN please
>From: Emily Reyn <>
>To: "" <> 
>Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 12:44:42 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yo Denise
>Oh mon dieu.  Excusez-moi s'il vous plait.  Je suis desolee.  Merci beaucoup.
>Warning:  Read at your own risk
>I realize this is going to sound kind of schizophrenic but I am retiring my 
>name and rebranding.  You can call me Emily or Em or Em-dash or whatever else. 
>I have taken pity on myself and have taken Denise off the front lines for now 
>- her own name is creating too much angst for her.  She doesn't want to 
>represent at this time - she's experiencing PTSD and is going to start EMDR in 
>January (yes, and will be meditating too).  Somebody needs to have that poor 
>girl's back 24/7 in the real world - she's been having a rough go.  It 
>occurred to me that that person has to be me.  Imagine that. I meditated 
>yesterday and visualized her as a child and she is quaking in her boots.  And, 
>bloodletting all over this forum is really not the right way to go for her. 
>I'm only going to do it this last time - hopefully.  I have also let her know 
>that nailing herself to the garage door or prostrating herself in front of her 
>lawnmower won't improve her image in the
>neighborhood.  So, Emily is stepping in to help her.  
>Obbajeeba, I am not holding your poor taste in video that morning against you 
>in the slightest.  I will say that I much preferred the one with Ginger in it 
>that Bob sent, care of his wife.  I know you didn't mean to set off such a 
>reaction in me and it was a pretty good joke, objectively, I do agree.  I 
>triggered heavily, which is actually a good thing, and I blame it all on the 
>voodoo (see video at end of post).  I might have even had a wet dream just 
>prior to the days' long rolling shame attacks that ensued.  Kind of like an 
>ocean wave.  They are happening a lot these days.  I breathe through them and 
>allow them to wash over me. It was very kind of you to think of me after I 
>posted out and I don't want you to feel at all badly.  I'm moving forward and 
>I do feel lighter :)
>To Bob's wife, I am extremely appreciative of your very fabulous response and 
>I am letting go of any guilt I might be harboring subconsciously.  I am 
>definitely not a threat in any way....and I look nothing like Cameron 
> there is nothing to worry about there either.  Although I do hope to 
>resemble Maria Bello in a year's time.  
>Bob is a lucky man, which we all know on this forum.  After hearing from you, 
>he is even luckier than we might have imagined.  I unsubscribed soon after I 
>posted and didn't see this until now.  I was thinking today that I should go 
>back and check the thread but I've been too frightened.  I knew I lobbed one 
>out there and then ran for my marmot hole. I always underestimate this forum - 
>I was kinda hoping that if I didn't look, it wouldn't be there.  Again, not 
>I am almost convinced, not quite, but almost, on the TM.  Yes, I absolutely 
>want the benefits exactly as you have described and never have I heard them so 
>well put, may I add.  But, I'm not buying the whole "value" line of reasoning 
>at the price its being offered - not at all - my subjective principles are at 
>play :)  And, the remaining pennies in my piggy bank are being saved to buy me 
>as much time off as I can get in the coming year.  I was hoping I could use 
>the Leonard Cohen mantra - the secret of the universe - if you haven't seen 
>the video I/Emily posted earlier, it's a good one - last two minutes for the 
>mantra.  And he is so cute when he smiles.  But, now its out there and off 
>limits.  I keep forgetting.
>I have discovered that a buddhist monk kind of a guy is living several doors 
>down from where I live who is doing/teaching a meditation group.  I am getting 
>his number, as for me, I want to believe in my current state of disrepair that 
>meditation is meditation is meditation and that this practice will work as 
>well as the next at this point in time.  My head is barely above water, after 
>all.  Yes, I will pay, but its a nominal fee.  I did my own thing yesterday 
>for 30 minutes and it totally changed my day, so I know there is something to 
>this.  Hours of classical music are also helping.  My expectations are low, so 
>I'm sure they'll be met.
>We all have a story.  I will keep this fairly brief but I was sexually 
>assaulted 1.5 years ago by get this, a husband. His wife, my primary friend in 
>the relationship, had left for their island retreat with the kids (one of them 
>mine) and I sat down with a glass of wine to "shoot the sh*t" with her 
>husband, who I hadn't seen in awhile, and who was staying behind.  In 
>hindsight, he must have been drinking heavily throughout the day (he had a 
>very high tolerance and it was hard to tell). In hindsight, they had invited 
>me to their wedding anniversary at Teatro Zinzani the year before as they 
>"weren't enjoying just spending time with themselves anymore."  In hindsight, 
>he lost his mind.  It was a physical fight and he didn't get what he wanted at 
>the time.  He apologized, but it was too late.  
>I cut off contact with both of them immediately.  I begged off dinner 
>invitations. I forced myself through one ski day with my friend because I knew 
>she had no idea.  I did the George Costanza line..."it's not you, it's me," 
>which was also true in that I was full into my corporate death spiral at that 
>time.  I asked myself, "What will be gained by me telling her?"  They were 
>"do" friends - backpacks, ski trips, camping trips, dinners, parties...she 
>didn't like to talk emotional anything.  We were always about the activity - 
>our friendship was very "stereotypical male" in that regard.  But, I was 
>already pulling away because I was turning into an emotional wreck and was 
>having trouble pretending or getting the energy up to "do."  
>It would be excruciating; it would blow their marriage apart; it would blow 
>our families apart; betrayal, pain, and suffering.  Our kids went to yoga 
>together - why ruin their world?  It would be the end of the relationship 
>anyway.  I agonized over this, because I am usually pretty direct and I like 
>to think I am an honest person.  I asked myself as Bob likes to say, accept 
>seriously in this case, "Was it something I said?" And then, "Was I giving off 
>sexual energy in some way that he picked up on and thought I wanted back?"  
>"Was my vulnerability showing through?"  After all, it is always the woman's 
>fault isn't it?  She asked for it, after all, didn't she?  I've known them for 
>10 years - nothing even resembling this kind of interaction or conversation 
>had ever occurred. 
>So, in the end, I determined it "wasn't on my dot."  It really wasn't my 
>fault.  I couldn't take on being the one in the middle, bringing their 
>problems to a focus at point blank range on my forehead. If she had been my 
>best friend, I would have told the story, because I know she would have 
>believed me and it would have been about honoring the friendship, first and 
>foremost. But, she wasn't my best friend in that sense - she didn't own her 
>feelings - she would have looked for someone to blame - it would have been me. 
>I chose "situational ethics." So, you see, when that video was posted, I 
>freaked out - even though it had absolutely nothing to do with any of you at 
>I am living in my "pain body" as Eckhart Tolle would say.  I know it; I have 
>to stop feeding it.  I have a plan.  I need to keep it light here.  This post 
>is not that light, but Emily is in charge now and she has better executive 
>function, so there's hope for the future.  
>By the way, I created my name - "the Reyn part" based on the weather here, but 
>see now nicely it dovetails with the video Raindrops Keep Falling....In the 
>end, I really do blame it all on the voodoo.  
>And, luckily for me, I located some speakers for my laptop in my garage.  And, 
>I hooked them up, and they work.
>From: obbajeeba <>
>Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 5:39 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yo Denise
>--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
>> To: "" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:57:10 AM
>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
>> Nice to hear from "the wife" and glad to hear that you have given up all 
>> pretenses to reign in Bob and letting fat chance and old age do its work :-)
>> On Nov 14, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
>> >-Denise
>> >
>> >This is my first and (I hope to God) last post on Fairfield Life. I'm "the
>> >wife". I asked Bob to let me send you a post, after he showed me this post
>> >of yours. Bob shows me a lot of FFL posts, but the ones I enjoy the most are
>> >yours and Judy's. I enjoy your posts because you have a great sense of humor
>> >and do not take yourself too seriously, and I admire Judy for standing up to
>> >some obvious sexism. 
>> >
>> >Thank you for asking Bob to share your post with me; I appreciate you 
>> >watching my
>> >back. I wouldn't be too concerned though; I'm confident the chances of Bob
>> >finding another brunette version of a Cameron Diaz doppelganger are about as
>> >narrow as (I'm told) my very narrow ankles. Not that Bob isn't resourceful,
>> >he's all of that, but as I'm sure you've guessed, he's getting a bit long in
>> >the tooth. I agree with your take on the "after sex" video, according
>> >to Bob, Obbajeeba was scraping the bottom of his nitrous oxide tank (I have 
>> >no
>> >idea what that means) and got a bit carried away. The only part of
>> >this post that's Bob's is this link, which Bob insists is the link Obbajeeba
>> >should have sent.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >I have no doubt you and I could keep up with Ginger, but Bob as Fred, maybe 
>> >on his
>> >keyboard.
>> >
>> >The reason I wanted to send you this post was to do something I've never 
>> >done
>> >before; recommend you get initiated into TM. I'm not a promoter of TM, and
>> >unlike Bob, I've only been mediating for a couple of years. I've been 
>> >following
>> >your posts describing some of your recent health challenges. Based on the 
>> >last
>> >few years of meditating, it's been my experience that TM might just be the 
>> >kind
>> >of technique that would help you with the passage you are presently going
>> >through. TM is subtle; it's been my experience that it unlocks something 
>> >that's
>> >already there; I like to think of it as a slight edge (no fireworks) like 
>> >the
>> >slight edge top performers have. I don't mean it makes everyone a top
>> >performer, I don't believe it does; I believe it opens this edge of a little
>> >more energy, a little more clarity and a little more happiness, and I 
>> >believe
>> >that slight edge makes many of the normal challenges life, throws at us, a 
>> >lot
>> >less daunting. I run my own company, and I've been impressed by how it 
>> >helps me
>> >when I should be running on empty.
>> >
>> >When I started a few years ago, I thought Bob was an idiot for not teaching 
>> >me and
>> >insisting I pay the 4 figures to get initiated. I wanted to know why the 
>> >hell
>> >he won't teach me, but he insisted I go to the TM center to learn (he said 
>> >he didn't want
>> >me to use it against him, if we ever ended up in court:). Since my first
>> >meditation, I have not asked him why again. The point I'm trying to make is
>> >that if you can manage the fee, I would not hesitate to recommend
>> >you pay it. I can't honestly explain it, but for what it costs why mess with
>> >the system, if it will help you find in yourself what you need to come out 
>> >the
>> >other side of what you're presently going through. It's also been my 
>> >experience
>> >(with your corporate background, I'm sure you know this as well) people 
>> >value
>> >what they pay for. And lastly, something happened when I went through the 
>> >puja
>> >the day I was initiated, it might just be me but something seemed to happen
>> >between my initiator and me that made me feel she's on my side. I recommend 
>> >you
>> >get a female initiator, frankly, some of the male initiators seem a bit odd 
>> >to
>> >me, but then the guy I sleep with seems a bit odd to me at times, so what 
>> >can I say. I
>> >have no doubt; TM works, and it works well.
>> >
>> >I can't believe I just wrote this.
>> >
>> >Best of luck.
>> >
>> >________________________________
>> >From: Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
>> >To:
>> >Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 2:03:23 AM
>> >Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
>> >
>> >Thank you Bob:
>> >
>> >That is a great quote.
>> >
>> >My occipital lobe enjoys everything you post :)  My frontal and parietal 
>> >lobes struggle to keep up.  I forwarded the last one for later viewing.  
>> >
>> >My musical reply is posted at the end of this soliloquy.   
>> >
>> >It has come to my attention that my "debt to equity ratio" is high - quite 
>> >a bit higher than I'm comfortable with.  Ultimately, I'm in search of the 
>> >"win/win" solution for my Self - fantasy/hallucination or no.  I've got 
>> >some "action items" I need to "own" and "implement".  I'm all about the 
>> >client, you know, regardless.  In that my current client is myself or 
>> >Self, if you prefer, I'm just trying to "bring it on home."  
>> >
>> >I am "retooling" my strategy with my new client in mind.  I'm pretty sure 
>> >I'll find that I'm no longer in the driver's seat, but I've done plenty of 
>> >strategy in my life and I was pretty good at it in my particular line of 
>> >work, so my Ego insists on trying to help.  After all, I had a lot of 
>> >success - the clients were happy and so was I.  Unfortunately, hindsight 
>> >tells me, it was all at the expense of my nervous system and other systems 
>> >I was unaware of at the time.  Whoops.  
>> >
>> >Nothing was more gut-wrenchingly painful than watching myself 
>> >self-destruct.  I was perched outside my body and staying objective, so I 
>> >knew what was happening, but the forward momentum was stronger than my 
>> >ability to stop it. 
>> >
>> >I made some critical errors along the way....I forgot to develop an exit 
>> >strategy, for example.  I remedied this immediately upon realizing the 
>> >error, but it was too late. I'd taken so many sucker punches and "hits" in 
>> >the final years that my body/Self said: "No deal, not this time - I'm 
>> >running the show now. I am removing you as CEO - you are out of touch and 
>> >doing a crap job - there is no "value added" from your input."
>> >
>> >Luckily for me, the larger God/universe stepped in and gave me a way out - 
>> >it only cost $36 million of our taxpayer dollars.  With my last remaining 
>> >strength, I dove for door.  I set up the meeting, I cleaned out my desk. 
>> > I moved everything I wanted to my car.  My layoff was in the bag and I 
>> >had a credible story to substantiate it.  When they walked me out, I 
>> >hugged my manager and thanked her profusely.  And then, I went to bed.
>> >
>> >I am in serious recovery in every respect - I thank you for your part in 
>> >helping move me from the "living dead" to  "hmmmm.....what is this?" Thank 
>> >you for helping me get back in my body.  It actually was an unintended 
>> >consequence of me partaking in a medicinal variety by myself for the first 
>> >time since high school.  I did an awful lot of dancing and you did help me 
>> >stay tethered to the planet that night. I hope it was as good for you as it 
>> >was for me.  Please tell the "wife" everything - I'm sure she will 
>> >understand, and for the fuckin' record, in case anyone on this forum is 
>> >wondering, I don't mess around with married men ever (Sorry, I just had to 
>> >say that because of that "after sex" video - can't let that lie there with 
>> >no response.  What, in God's name will people think of me?  I'll be 
>> >condemned and burned at the stake.  I like it hot, but not that hot.)  
>> >
>> >Phase II is "on deck."  It's time to heal. My sister sent me a 2012 
>> >Burning Man calendar as a gentle nudge.  I don't know, looks pretty crazy 
>> >to me. However, she is smarter than I am, so perhaps she knows best.  I 
>> >took an IQ test today and while I am sure it's inaccurate, I am not as 
>> >stupid as I thought.  Does one need a high IQ to attend?  I am a bit of a 
>> >sandbagger at times.  In terms of reasoning, that is. Not sure what the 
>> >larger intellect is doing.  
>> >
>> >Obbajeeba, if you read this, you have also been an enormous help to me and 
>> >thank you so much for acknowledging my existence on the planet and finding 
>> >me pretty men to look at. This is where I am starting. And that line about 
>> >the crickets was priceless.  
>> >
>> >I'll be back later, if only to lurk and practice "silence" (Yeah, right).
>> >
>> >I leave you with my absolutely favorite song from one of the movies you 
>> >posted a song about (I think).  The all-time best of George Clooney.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >________________________________
>> >From: Bob Price <bobpriced@...>
>> >To: "" <>
>> >Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 2:45 PM
>> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise
>> >
>> >Denise,
>> >
>> >IMO, you're one of the real delights on FFL. 
>> >
>> >I thought you might enjoy the following:
>> >
>> >"The true object of propaganda is neither to convince or persuade, but to 
>> >produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of 
>> >unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."
>> >
>> >-Leonard Shapiro
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >                          
>> >
>>  Â   

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