--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > ONe of the more recent (15th? 14th? century) upanishads 
> > > describes yogic flying in the stages that MMY does. I 
> > > assume he was quoting it. 
> > > 
> > > Many yogis believe that special "pranayamas" are required 
> > > for yogic flying to work, but in fact, the fourth [pranayama] 
> > > mentioned in the Yoga Sutras has been scientifically 
> > > documented many times. It is simply the spontaneous breath 
> > > suspension that can occur during pure consciousness episodes 
> > > during TM practice.
> > > 
> > > IOW, when pure consciousness occurs during the performance 
> > > of a TM-Sidhis sutra, the sutra manifests, just as MMY said.
> > > 
> > > The difference between floating and flying is one of degree, 
> > > not kind, from the TM theory perspective: the deeper the 
> > > episode of pure consciousness, the more levitation-like the 
> > > performance of the yogic flying sutra will be.
> > 
> > Tune in next week, boys and girls, as Professor 
> > Lawson brings us another fascinating episode of
> > "Reality The Way Science Would Describe It If 
> > Science Was As Smart As Maharishi." 
> > 
> > In next week's episode, just in time for the 
> > holidays, Professor Lawson explains how all the
> > dinosaurs and mammoths and sloths and saber-
> > toothed tigers journeyed to the North Pole to
> > help Santa save Christmas. As with "levitation,"
> > the longer and deeper your daily involvement with 
> > what Maharishi called pure consciousness, the more 
> > like reality this will seem to you. 
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiEMEF6MIJA
> > 
> > :-)
> Just to explain, because unless you have young 
> Ice Age fans in the house like I do, you probably
> don't know what I'm referring to, I read Lawson's
> exposition on yogic flying above the morning after
> having seen the newest, 1/2-hour Ice Age special,
> broadcast on Thanksgiving by Fox.
> As much as I delighted in watching 2-3/4 year old
> Maya watching it, at the same time as an adult I
> couldn't help but be struck by the fact that this
> "we hope it'll become a Christmas classic" film
> called upon us to believe stuff that can only be
> called ludicrous. That is, that Mammoths and other
> creatures who lived 4700 years before Christ some-
> how walked to the North Pole in three minutes of
> screen time, there to aid Santa Claus and his team
> of elves and flying reindeer in the task of deliver-
> ing his presents on Christmas. There were many cute
> moments, such as the ones in which the traditional
> Mammoth "Christmas rock" is broken by Syd the Sloth,
> and as a frantic replacement they invent the first
> Christmas tree, decorated with fish skeletons and
> worms. At the end of the movie, its creators humbly
> (NOT) suggest that they've invented a new myth, one
> that will last for centuries.
> The next morning, I stumbled upon Lawson's "explan-
> ation" of what "true levitation" is, according to
> <genuflect> Maharishi. I ask you...if you had NOT
> been inundated by Maharishi's never-ending claims
> that fantastic flights of the imagination (and human
> bodies) were based on fact, as supported by <wait 
> for it> myths made up in the 14th or 15th century, 
> would it sound any more believable than this Ice
> Age flick? 
> I guess my question is WHY are supposedly rational
> people still discussing Maharishi's (and Hinduism's)
> fairy tales as if they were not only real, but as if
> science will someday validate them? WHY is this NOT 
> in the same ballpark as someone expecting adults to 
> believe that wooly Mammoths interacted with Santa
> Claus and "saved Christmas?"
> If anyone can honestly present a case WHY we should 
> put any credence whatsoever on Maharishi's Sidhi Scam
> and claims about levitation, without parroting his 
> words the way Lawson did, I'd love to hear it.

If humans psychologically need fairy tales (I think we might) then science 
these days can serve up stuff that is pretty fantastical.  If you have seen the 
new Nova: universe-multiverse shows on PBS you know what I mean.  Multiverses, 
with one being born (exploded via a Big Bang into existence) every second into 
something (space?) that is ever-expanding, resulting in something looking like 
swiss cheese (the holes are separate universes) that is also expanding.  Wow.  
Makes me think we are mere miniscule bacteria waging our own little battles in 
some huge organism that is going thru a growth spurt of adolescence.
Maybe that is one of the next steps in human evolution - the brain will modify 
so that it can understand more and more of advanced science and the cosmos - so 
the universe can evolve enough to understand itself.

As far as mere levitation goes, it does not sound so impossible give the right 
brain and a healthy body and maybe a dip into some other dimension that has 
different laws.

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