November 25, 2011

Dear Friend,

Today, as we mark the unofficial beginning of the holiday shopping season, I’d like to

Rep. Loebsack visits Softronics, Ltd. in Marion take a moment to talk to you about the importance of supporting our small businesses.

I come home to Iowa every weekend, and have had the privilege of visiting many small businesses across the district. I am continually impressed by the innovation, creativity, and determination exhibited by our local small business owners and employees.

Rep. Loebsack tours Appanoose Rapids Brewing Company in Ottumwa Small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s economy. According to the Small Business Administration, they employ 50 percent of the private sector employees in the U.S. and, over the past fifteen years, have created 65 percent of new jobs.

That is why I joined a bipartisan group of my colleagues to introduce a resolution supporting “Small Business Saturday,” which takes place each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This day is all about supporting your local businesses, and I hope all Iowans make tomorrow a celebration of America’s small businesses by shopping at a small business in your community and sharing plans to “shop small” with friends and family.

I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season.

Your Congressman,

Dave Loebsack
Iowa's Second District

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