An American mother loses her son in a war, travels to Crawford, Texas to park herself in proximity to her President and dead son’s Commander In Chief, seeking the opportunity to meet with him and share her feelings. What is the worst that can happen to him? He has the Secret Service and the FBI and local cops up the wazoo to be certain she’s “clean.” And if she came at him with no weapon, woman-a-mano, the man’s been tilling the soil, sawing logs, working out -- what’s one undernourished, grieving mother going to do to him?

From his and his Administration’s POV it seems to me just plain dumb for the President, especially the compassionate conservative in him, not to have made Mrs. Sheehan welcome in the first hours of her attempted visit. And where was Mr. Rove? Out to lunch? Or too caught up in the Plame game?

P.S. I see now that “The Sheehan Family” has issued a statement distancing them from Mrs. Sheehan, because they “…support the troops, our country, and our President…” Is there anything Mrs. Sheehan is doing that would suggest to any reasonable person that this Gold Star mother doesn’t support our troops, our country, and the office of the President? No American -- let alone a Gold Star mother -- is required to agree with every decision her president makes in order to secure her good name as a citizen and as a supporter of our troops and our country.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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