> Good research on your part...
Thanks to people like Barney Frank, Fannie and Freddy 
had their hands in 50% of the U.S. home mortages - they 
came very close to bringing down the whole international 
banking system. 

The Bush administration warned congress about Fanny and
Freddie many times, but Barney Frank and Maxine Waters 
lied about it for years. So far, taxpayers have had to 
bail out Freddie and Fannie to the tune of about $154 

"In fact, the highly leveraged giants were swollen with 
subprime loans, which began defaulting when the housing 
bubble burst in 2007. By 2008, the federal government 
had to step in. Technically private, the companies had 
long benefited from an implicit government guarantee. 
The housing crisis made that explicit..."

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