On Dec 1, 2011, at 10:03 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> Well, I try to be sensitive to the fact that this whole thing
> has to have been very traumatic for R.

By "this whole thing" do you mean someone producing
another first-hand view of his past antics, to balance
the somewhat...uh...unbalanced view of them that he
presents? :-)

I meant that fall of the World Teacher Seminar and RWC had to be a difficult thing to endure, esp. coming after Mahesh's denunciation of him in Iowa court.

> It's amazing that none of the video has been leaked yet, but
> that's
> really just a matter of converting the old analog video to digital
> and we could have them up on YouTube quickly thereafter. The
> pathology of supposed higher states of consciousness - meditative
> disease - is a new field really, and I think video documentation
> could go a long way to helping jumpstart that field, potentially
> preventing suffering from faux meditative lineages like Mahesh &
> Co.

It IS fascinating how the "I'm enlightened...adore me"
meme keeps coming up in and around the TMO. Gemma was
essentially running the same number back in Fiuggi.
She was having some intermittent flashes of what she
assumed was CC, as were several others of us. Most of
us wisely kept it to ourselves; she started "holding
court" and "counseling" others on how they could get
as enlightened as she was just by hanging around with
her and basking in her darshan. Sound familiar? :-)

Very much so. It's a pattern I've been literally observing for decades, and it clearly is a samsaric pattern.

What's interesting to me is that both G. and RWC became devout Catholics after this. Now there's a past life history that would likely be very interesting. I wonder if Robin has had any glimpses of a previous connection. They tangibly felt as if they were made for each other.

> > But maybe he's explained and I missed it. That's quite
> > possible because as I've said often, I don't find the guy
> > interesting enough to read what he writes, much less
> > interact with him. The only thing that fascinates me about
> > him is how many suckers flocked around him back in the
> > day, and how many still do. As I've suggested before, there
> > is just no accounting for bad taste and low standards. :-)
> Well, it's the principle of charm applied to sociology: RWC
> was and still is in many ways, a very charming man.

I'll take your word for it, though I have seen no
evidence of that here. :-)

> However I think this is a common mode of functioning in certain
> Axis II disorders and oddly a perfect match for some Me Decade
> types, who tended to already have similar traits, and thus
> self-select for such courses.

Yup. The people drawn to such "adore me" so-called
teachers very often are seeking the same role for
themselves someday. Scratch a modern-day pretend
teacher and you'll almost always find that they
learned their trade from one or more other pretend
teachers cut from the same pattern.

> I remember specifically the moment I knew his World Teacher
> Seminar was harming others. It was one of those late night
> chats with other CP's and one of the course participants
> revealed that he was gay. He wasn't just gay, he was
> addicted to cock. Any size, shape or form he could get
> his mouth on. Since RWC's opinion on homosexuality was
> unknown, he was greatly concerned that if this was known,
> he would be grilled on the stage, at the microphone and
> be declared "demonic", thus forced to endure humiliation
> and persecution.

Given how he reacted to my suggestion that he was
acting a lot like a closet drag queen trying to
seduce straight men with his modern-day "adore me
and praise me" routine here, one suspects that the
poor guy was right in keeping it hidden from Robin-ji.
It also speaks volumes about Robin himself that the
person who claimed to be able to see demons in other
people was incapable of detecting something as simple
and ordinary in one of their followers as being gay.

> The utter terror he felt was palpable and you could have
> heard a pin drop as he told his story. And similar to the
> Gemma story, others on these course were often worried
> about associating with potentially demonic people,
> either in a guilt by association/birds of a feather flock
> together kind of way, or as a form of psychic contagion.

Well, from what I heard that is how the Canadian TM
organization reacted to *her* once she went back home
and continued "holding court" there. I heard -- although
I can't ever be sure that it was true because she was
on one side of Canada and I was on the other -- that she
was banned from the local TM center for doing this. And
we all know what happened to Robin when he started
"holding court," don't we? Isn't it fascinating that
the first thing people who have been ostracized for
being "off the program" themselves do when they form
some kind of sub-cult is to set up a structure in their
own organizations that mirrors that behavior? It's
almost like the recurring situation of kids abused
as children growing up to be child abusers themselves.

Again, all this is moot to me. I haven't seen Gemma
since Fiuggi, or wanted to. I was *long* gone from the
TMO by the time Robin made his big splash in the tiny,
tiny, oh-so-tiny pond of Fairfield. All I really know
of him is what has been said here and my first exper-
iences trying to plow through his incoherent and
personality-disordered writing on FFL. I gave it up
as not worth my time very quickly.

The only thing that fascinates me about it -- as I've
said before -- is how unbelievable it is to me that
anyone fell for his act then, or now. "Low standards"
is the only phrase I can come up with to explain it.

The only thing I've wondered since then is if RWC and his schtick had some connection to my own karma surrounding the practice of the Chod. I cold dropped an article on Chod here that I felt touched on the deeper underlying issues involved to see if anyone would take a bite, and one of them was actually someone who had had a profound experience in demonic confrontation with Robin: Rory.

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