Hi Bob, I did not try to "cyber lynch" Ravi, so please include me with Oboe and 
the others. RD has been on here a long time and Ravi's stuff didn't fit the 
object of his rant, however well intentioned. 

As for the implication to us all through the video clip, I grew up with brown 
people, not whiteys. I lived mostly in SE Asia until I was 19. They raised me. 
I spoke the languages of Indonesia, the Philippines and Hong Kong. Thankfully 
the last two were primarily English, with a smattering of Tagalog and 
Cantonese. Also lived in Mexico, Spain, Fiji, and Surinam. So no big deal about 
Ravi having a really, really good tan.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> RD,
> Since the *attempted* cyber lynching appears to be all but over, except for 
> the clean up, I have a couple of questions for you below; 
> ________________________________
> From: raunchydog <raunchydog@...>
> Hi Robin, 
> >>>>RD: I really don't know Ravi very well at all. I haven't read his posts 
> >>>>with much interest except to notice that he has had some enjoyable back 
> >>>>and forth banter with Denise/Emily and Bob Price. My initial experience 
> >>>>of Ravi was about a year ago when he got into such a depressive state 
> >>>>that we had extensive discussions about his mental health and concern 
> >>>>that he might commit suicide. Since then I see that he has come back from 
> >>>>the brink but rightly or wrongly, I still see him as an unstable 
> >>>>individual with the potential to go off the rails again. Given his 
> >>>>history, I think Alex's explanation for what might have happened with 
> >>>>Ravi in the past seems to ring true.
> ***BP: Do I understand correctly that the reason you *attempted* to provoke 
> Ravi was your concern for his mental stability? Do I also understand 
> correctly that the *attempted* lynching of Raja Ravi Yogi, by pretty much all 
> of FFL (excluding Judy, Edg and Oboe) was also out of concern for his mental 
> health; and we should ignore the fact that the *attempted* lynching was lead 
> by those paragons of emotional maturity Curtis and Bubbles? In addition, the 
> stated fact: "I really don't know Ravi very well at all." is no barrier to 
> your meditation or an accurate diagnosis of his mental state, and further, 
> being the trained mental health professionals that you and the Alex must so 
> obviously be, the two of you had no doubt that provoking him was the high 
> road to his recovery? I want to thank you for clearing that up; I'm a bit 
> slow; I had thought it was that the two of you were being passive aggressive 
> and working on some issues, and Ravi, as always, was more than
>  happy to help you out. 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgKXK9giPYQ&feature=related
> >>>>Alex: "I can see why many traditions of awakening get the samskara/vasana 
> >>>>inner work out of the way before awakening, because once sole identity 
> >>>>with the I/me story is broken, it is tempting to disregard the story as 
> >>>>unimportant and let it act out messily. Also, for people with serious 
> >>>>mental health issues, nondual awakening can make matters worse."
> ***BP: I'm sure I'm wrong about this; on the off chance Raja Ravi Yogi was 
> using closet and Mother Teresa as a metaphors for ignorance and hypocrisy 
> respectively, would it be fair to interpret yours and Alex's posts as 
> *attempts*, to provoke Ravi; and having the heart of a lion, in a herd of 
> zebras, he accommodated you?   
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLFi9Xd7yys
> >>>>RDOG: As long as Ravi isn't threatening to do himself in, I don't make 
> >>>>any claims to know the nature of his present mental stability. I'm just 
> >>>>circumspect about it.
> ***BP: Since most of us didn't know Raja Ravi Yogi was attempting to off 
> himself (including Ravi) the fact that you and the Alex have his back, will 
> make all of us rest much easier.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l81W-jcOuj0
> >>>RDOG: Ravi claims he is enlightened. I don't know what that means to him 
> >>>or to anyone else. We all have a POV about it. Maybe I'm misjudging him, 
> >>>or just plain don't understand him but I get the feeling that he thinks 
> >>>his enlightenment gives him a pass to be Mr. Natural of inhibitions. I 
> >>>don't know if anyone's perception of him as enlightened has any bearing on 
> >>>how they choose to interact with him. Regardless, IMO it shouldn't be an 
> >>>excuse to treat him with deference or give him a pass if he chooses to be 
> >>>an asshole.
> ***BP: This one caught my attention as it seems to be going viral (think 
> recent posts from Rick, Curtis and Bubbles), is there any training needed to 
> be able to measure another persons state of consciousness, or motivation, for 
> that matter? If so, I'm thinking we need an inspector certification to avoid 
> people running around making claims that cannot be substantiated (you know, 
> things like: I was just kidding; he over reacted, because my feelings are 
> hurt---that sort of thing); I'm thinking ISO 666 would be catchy, since most 
> of 9000 is gone. We could take a vote on this, much like the recent 
> *attempted* lynching (sorry, I meant vote) on Raja Ravi Yogi's behavior. My 
> vote would be that we get Rick certified; I think that would really up the 
> overall feel and exclusivity of the place, cause frankly, since Judy and Ravi 
> posted out, the place is feeling a bit paltry. 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9000
> >>>>RDOG: I don't doubt the rawness of emotion he felt when he went off on 
> >>>>his blow job rant. He intended to offend me. Yes, I felt offended, not 
> >>>>for his personal attack on me but for the stench it created in the air on 
> >>>>FFLife. Obviously, I provoked that in him by sending him some fairly 
> >>>>stinky barbs myself. Just to be clear, I don't take his reaction to me as 
> >>>>a lesson that I should somehow appreciate his rancor as an opportunity to 
> >>>>reflect upon any darkness residing in the deepest part of my being. 
> >>>>Perhaps this is the premise of those who see him as a Guru. I do not. 
> ***BP: I'm sure I speak for many in thanking you for your concern for the 
> sensibilities of FFL, I was particularly concerned about Steve's wife---I 
> understood from his post that he was concerned that if his wife read ones of 
> Raja Ravi Yogi's posts she might have some kind of reaction, although I don't 
> think Ravi is the type of enlightened man that runs off with another mans 
> wife, particularly a friends---like he considers Steve. I did have one 
> question though; are you more concerned for my sensibilities or Raja Ravi 
> Yogi's mental stability?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAqmzmirixg&feature=related
> >>>>RDOG: I'll own my part in provoking him. I doubt that he owns his 
> >>>>provocative behavior when he gay-baited Alex or dismissed me as a woman. 
> >>>>In fact it was his stated intention to be provocative. This whole 
> >>>>brouhaha between Ravi and me has turned out to be quite embarrassing in 
> >>>>that I don't enjoy bringing attention to myself. 
> >>>RDOG: I like flying under the radar, posting mostly political stuff so 
> >>>that I can vent my frustrations about the sorry state of the state. I 
> >>>think it's important to be informed about current events. I try to make 
> >>>sense of complicated issues admittedly from a rock solid liberal POV and 
> >>>that may cause me to tilt at a few windmills, but so be it, at least I 
> >>>care about what happens to my country. 
> ***BP: As someone who may be the farthest to the left FFL has to offer, I'm 
> guessing Ravi is a 
> dyed in the wool progressive; that said, I believe, like me, he has 
> other outlets for his politics, and, he finds, pointing out what pompous 
> asses and hypocrites, most of us are, much more rewarding (I could be 
> talking my own book here). IMHO, besides any quesion of Ravi's mental 
> health, the biggest canards in the *attempted* lynching of Raja Ravi Yogi are 
> the nonsense 
> that Ravi is homophobic or sexist.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF0fIO4tk-g
> >>>RDOG: I don't know if anything I've said answers your doubts about dealing 
> >>>with Ravi effectively or if I've adequately resolved any remaining 
> >>>personal issues with him to your satisfaction, but it's the best that I've 
> >>>got for now.
> >>>RDOG:Just for the record, I don't believe in censorship. It's up to Rick 
> >>>if he wants to boot someone off. The minimal standard on FFLife is that we 
> >>>don't post anything that would cause Yahoo to give us an XXX rating. In 
> >>>Ravi's case, he stepped over the line using abusive, pornographic language 
> >>>and offended the sensibilities of what a few posters feel is in good 
> >>>taste, but IMO Ravi's tirade didn't rise to a level that calls for 
> >>>censorship. Maybe there's an element of chivalry of from the guys (deep 
> >>>bow), but I think it's more likely they reacted to what they personally 
> >>>considered offensive. Vaj and Barry regularly stink up the place and we 
> >>>put up with it. So there's a place in the firmament of stinkers on FFLife 
> >>>for Ravi as well as myself. I just hope to be a better person from the 
> >>>experience and consider it a lesson learned for moving on.
> ***BP: Again, please forgive the few of us that think, its end to end 
> hypocrisy, when Ravi escalates, when provoked, and FFL's lord and master 
> makes rules *on the fly* for the obvious purpose of making Ravi an example 
> when he could just as easily emailed him directly (one assumes, like the rest 
> of us Rick has Ravi's email), and then the class president reappears and 
> calls for a gang bang. I'm sure, its just me, but calling what Vaj and 
> Bubbles do "regularly stinking up the place" seems a touch understated, as 
> does trying to call the *attempted* lynching a "double standard".  Its a 
> good thing we have no racists on FFL or I could go on forever. In closing, I 
> must qualify my use of the word lynching; I have no doubt once Raja Ravi Yogi 
> returns we will know that the lynching was *attempted*
> ---at best (so buckle up). 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZCS5I80X-8&feature=related

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