--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:

Dear Barry Wright,

You make me hopeful that Ravi will somehow demonstrate to those of us in good 
faith, that the collective judgment of him may not justify its definitiveness.

I did follow your analysis of Ravi—impartial and disinterested as it was—up 
until you brought this in: "Then again, I feel pretty much the same way about 
"MZ/Robin (with slightly different pathologies and forms of acting out, of 

Well, then, you can imagine my explosion of emotion and outrage. You mean, 
Barry, that I evoke in you (in principle) the same reaction, mutatis mutandis, 
you have to Ravi?

You have spent some time here diagnosing Ravi. Would you consider doing the 
same for me, seeing as how you have determined that I too suffer from a 

We Canadians are not as proud and confident as you Americans, but that does not 
mean we don't have *amour propre*. Surely you realize it is only natural for 
me, Barry, to challenge you on this characterization of me as exhibiting 
symptoms of mental illness which you attribute to Ravi.

But unless and until you do this, I am going to say you are using this 
controversy about Ravi as the opportunity to retaliate against me for having 
challenged you so many times to explain, defend, justify your appalling 
behaviour. How could you resist the temptation, when you see that dear 
raunchydog, under the stress of answering to one of Ravi's supporters, is 
thereby placing herself in a position where the meta-politics of this issue 
suddenly and fortuitously coincide with your own psychological need to strike 
back at Canada?

Whenever one of your critics goes head to head with another one of your 
critics, you opportunistically seize upon this situation to take one person's 
side against the other; ingratiating yourself with one of your enemies in the 
form of coming to their defence; meanwhile disposing of (or at least attempting 
to dispose) of one of your other critics in this cynical—but helpless to 

You walk away from Judy; you walk away from Bob Price; you walk away from 
whynotnow; you walk away from raunchydog; you walk away from MZ; you walk away 
from others; you are only willing to take notice of those who have stood up to 
your abuse if somehow one of them becomes entangled in some dispute with 
someone else—both of whom have made known their judgment of your malevolence 
and cowardice. Now raunchydog picked up on one of Vaj's video posts mocking me 
and someone else; I forget who. She expressed some delight in the humour of 
that video. And wouldn't you know it: immediately this provided the pretext for 
you to reinforce raunchydog in her appreciation for this mocking of MZ. Even as 
I don't believe—this is quite self-serving I realize—Vaj warrants quite this 
much applause until he ceases this charade of pretending he did TM, knew 
Maharishi personally, and was an initiator. Now mind you, Barry, it is always 
possible that someone who is engaged in an extraordinary project of deceit 
(Walter Mitty-ism) may from time to time say things that are quite 
extraordinary. I have enjoyed Vaj's posts when they stick to discussing other 
Eastern traditions. But when he has the temerity to describe his flying 
experience, when clearly he is making this up, I tend to be suspicious of 
anything directed against those of us who would make of him an honest human 
being. Because, as you see, Barry, in posting that video of MZ & whoever I was 
cuddling up to at the time, was attempting to deflect some of the fire away 
from himself, and by making fun of me he essentially was implicitly questioning 
my right to bring him to justice.

Are you still with me here, Barry?

Let us say, for instance, that Judy suddenly and inexplicably turned on the 
most severe of your critics. Do you see what kind of dilemma that would put you 
in? Because immediately the tendency would be to praise Judy in order to take 
advantage of the circumstance whereby she was—after turning on you for so 
long—going after one of your enemies. Now this is what happened with raunchydog 
and her dispute with Ravi. I think it only fair, then, Barry, that you do me 
the courtesy—since you judge Ravi and myself to be
"pretty much the same"—of writing to raunchydog again, only this time providing 
the kind of thorough and believable analysis of me that you have done of Ravi.

What is unreasonable about this request, Barry? Look at it this way: If indeed 
I am suffering from a pathology that is "pretty much the same" (in principle) 
as we have determined—most of us—that Ravi is suffering under, what would 
prevent you from having some mercy on me by considering this: I don't much like 
this MZ/Robin guy; but hell, when I read one of his posts (which I deign to do 
once in a while, just to say au courant), I experience a severe psychological 
problem which alway speaks so much louder than whatever he is saying; and I 
think: If only MZ/Robin knew what was really going on here, he would know that 
by being in this serious state of mental illness he is undermining my capacity 
to take in anything that he writes. This, you see, Barry, throws a completely 
different light on this matter of our relations. For it is not because I am in 
any sense more confident and effective in stating what I think the issue is 
between you and me. No, it is not this at all. It is that Barry out of some 
unacknowledged (until now) compassion has decided to turn the other cheek when 
it comes to MZ/Robin such as to give the impression that he is ducking this 
challenge, whereas in fact he is only showing mercy. Because, were he to wade 
in on MZ/Robin, he would have to say to MZ/Robin what he has taken the time to 
say here in this post to raunchydog about Ravi.

You know what, Barry? I think I suddenly GET my pathology! It's this: You have 
characterized me—and thereby all my posts—as giving evidence of an abnormal 
personality. You make this finally very explicit in this sympathy post to 
raunchydog. Now I, reading what is this summing up of myself, feel the need to 
deny my pathology, and instead, to do my best to conceal it by writing this 
post. Isn't that about it, Barry? Now you have to give me credit, then, for at 
least finally recognizing one florid symptom of my pathology: the need to say 
anything to someone who has said that I am pathological.

I do understand my pathology now, Barry. At least along this one dimension: 
going after Barry for Barry having objectified the truth about me and my posts.

My only problem is—please hear me out—that I have employed irony so much in the 
service of truth that even as I wrote those last few paragraphs I got the 
sensation of Wolf Wolf Wolf!—that is, finally I was being straight and sincere, 
and yet (I presume this is part of my pathology?) the feedback I got from 
myself (I had no say in this) was that *I was being ironic*. 

Well, this  too, can constitute one of the symptoms of my mental illness: that 
I have used irony so much that when I go to be sincere—that is, sincere with 
someone who I felt could only be addressed previous to this moment via irony—I 
come off ironic. You must help me with this, Barry. I take you to be an honest 
man: that is to say, you would not say I was suffering from some mental 
pathology if you did not believe it. And I do believe you believe it.

Only problem here is that in your various animadversions regarding MZ/Robin you 
hid from me this detached perspective: that in fact every illusion to me 
carried with it some recognition internally that you were in the presence of a 
disturbed human being. 

Now I am going to pay you a compliment, Barry—and given how certain persons on 
this forum have been on the offence when it comes to yourself, I think the 
remark I am going to make is timely and seasonable. You deceived everyone on 
this forum, Barry, by acting as if you were just contemptuous and hostile 
towards MZ/Robin; you intended to create this impression. But all the while, 
underneath this pose of animus and reactiveness there was a quite different—and 
as now is obvious, more profound—response going on to MZ/Robin: you were in 
fact allowing the majority of persons at FFL (exceptions being 2 or 3 or 4, 
depending on the survey) to think that you perhaps harboured resentment and 
bitterness that someone had come after you with the tenacity and intention 
equal to your previous history of abuse and calumny directed at others.

But this was not the truth, and I hope the fair readers at FFL are following me 
closely here: Barry, you were all the while I was fighting back on behalf of 
your victims—in the cause of what my pathology told me was injustice and 
mean-spiritedness—aware at a completely different level of reality, that poor 
MZ/Robin, he was under the influence of a pathology. You chose—up until 
today—to withhold this superior and more objective assessment of me, meanwhile 
allowing others to perhaps make a judgment unfavourable to yourself.

Well, today, you have straightened all this out, and I want to tell the readers 
at FFL that, no matter how it seems, Barry has attempted in this post to 
raunchydog to reach out to Robin, and I for one am glad he has finally done 
this. What I await now—eagerly, hopefully—is the kind of comprehensive 
diagnosis he has provided raunchydog with regard to the gentleman who has been 
the subject of this recent controversy.

I would ask all those who are friends with Barry to convince him of my good 
faith in making this appeal to him: that he explain upon what evidence he has 
declared that he "feels pretty much the same" about my pathology as he does 
about Ravi's pathology.

Look, you people out there: no matter how is seems, I am making a heartfelt—and 
even desperate—plea to Barry Wright: Let MZ/Robin know—just as you have with 
regard to the Indian maniac—how MZ/Robin triggers the same kind of experience 
in Barry: that Robin is pathological.

I might yet become a good Canadian Christian like Bruce. Once, that is, I get 
my EST—or whatever:—now that would be marvellous: Barry not only provides the 
diagnostic information; he provides a possible prescription. Is it possible 
that one of you out there could persuade Barry to do this double-favour: 
analysis and treatment?

I am unstressing—positively—just in the anticipation of being on the other side 
of this pathology, and able, therefore, to express my appreciation for the 
elaborate and cryptic form of intervention exercised by one Barry Wright.

I love you, Barry. And I am sorry. You have lived there in the Garden of 
Gethsemane long enough.

I started this post with a certain intention: to get back at you, Barry; I 
leave off this post with quite another intention: to seek your succour and thus 
eventually my own salvation.



Ravi is a performance artist? la Lady GaGa? That's a good
> one. Got me again. I thought "The Existence" wrote his script.
> Now I find out he writes his own material. What a hack. He
> needs a bigger venue then FFLife. Here's a thought. You could
> promote him by having him take a dump on your lawn. Then you
> say, "Good Doggie" and everyone joins in the hilarity celebrating
> his brilliance. Good to know you have such high standards for
> funny.

Raunchy, I've been trying to stay out of the "dump on
Ravi" thang because, as stated before, I consider him
somewhat mentally ill. Have since Day One. This may be
an inaccurate assessment on my part, because after all
I am not a trained therapist, but it is my honest

He may actually from time to time consider his many
flip-flops to be "schtick," but his very choice of
"material" suggests to me serious personality disorder.
As does his *memory* of what he has claimed in one post
versus the next. He'll say outright one day that his
whole presentation to Rick of having had an enlightenment
experience was a put-on and that he was just taking advan-
tage of Rick's naivete, and then the next day claim to
be enlightened again. And by far the overriding aspect
of his posts is a near-pathological craving for attention,
whether positive or negative. This really just isn't
something a fully sane person would do IMO. I think long-
term TMers are cutting him too much slack because they've
seen such behavior around them in TM environments so often
over the years that they've come to consider it almost
normal, writing it off as either mere eccentricity or
"unstressing." I don't hold to that view.

I don't think he was in any way faking the excesses of
his early days on this forum, and how close he was to
the ragged edge of insanity or suicide. I think that's
a claim he made up afterwards, after the manic episodes
had subsided to some extent. I similarly don't think he
was faking any of the more recent compulsive lashing
out he did at you, or Alex, or others here. It "reads"
to me (now that I've gone back and read some of it) as
hypomania, or just plain mania. He gets into a manic
state and just dashes off anything that makes sense to
his disordered mind in that particular manic state, and
then presses Send.

I personally don't think it's safe to interact with
him, so I have limited such interactions pretty much
since the beginning. Others here seem to be taken in
by how he appears during his less manic periods, and
feel no qualms about either praising him (that is,
amplifying his narcissism and thus inflating it) or
ragging on him (provoking a hysterical overreaction
that we are by now all too familiar with).

I don't think it's schtick. I don't think he has any
control whatsoever over this acting out of his. And
I, for one, am not willing to provoke it by interacting
with him personally. I take the same approach when
dealing with such behavior that a psychiatrist I once
knew took to dealing with patients who had demonstrated
similar behavior in the past. "If the behavior seems
to have cleared up, give them at least a year before
you believe it thoroughly. Otherwise they could just be
'laying low' and trying to sucker you back into former
patterns that have been proven unproductive."

Ravi's "one year clock" hasn't even *started* ticking
for me. If others feel differently, that's their

Then again, I feel pretty much the same about MZ/Robin
(with slightly different pathologies and forms of acting
out, of course), so you should either weight or dismiss
my theories about Ravi accordingly.

Thanks for your mainly common-sense comments on all
of this.

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