Thanks Denise - I may get to it or not. When I was high on Kundalini I felt I 
could literally fly, but didn't get that psychotic to actually fly. Either way 
the view from 11th floor office overlooking 405 is pretty awesome. Anyway 
for that beautiful video.

From: Emily Reyn <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 8:30:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I'm having an emotion" / the 
(was.... Bob)

Love the video - many points of light.

Ravi, I went skydiving was the most incredible high - even after I 
realized I had to steer to avoid the fast-approaching power lines.  Have  no 
plans to ever do it again :).  

>  From: Ravi Yogi <>
>Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2011 1:49 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I'm having an emotion" / the 
>(was.... Bob)
>Excellent choice, I trust you have  been screening the posts for her :-).
>I loved free  falls after my E, prior to
which I was very scared. My kid made me do it a couple of times after he 
got scared and I totally enjoyed it. I planned sky diving with a couple of 
friends in the Bay area but it never came to fruition but I plan to do it. I 
will check with them again :-)
>From: Bob Price <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 5:28:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I'm having an emotion" / the 
>(was.... Bob)
>Here a link from the  daughter to you:
Ravi  Yogi <>
>Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:50:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I'm having an emotion" / the 
>(was.... Bob)
>Steve - did I clean your clock then? I hope you haven't take any offense 
>I still love you.
>I just wanted to show I can clean clocks and that no one can clean my clock. I 
>didn't have to make too much effort to come
up with those words. I was blissful sitting on that bench in Venice, with my 
coffee and smoke just typing away. 
>People are vulnerable because they insulate themselves with beliefs, whereas 
>ability to clean clocks comes from my utter lack of belief, total helplessness 
>and vulnerability. I'm totally open to harm, yet can never be harmed. Even 
>are tied to their teachings and their followers whereas a yogi is utterly 
>not even afraid of death because I have encountered death and conquered it.
>So either you continue to make thoughtless statements and align with the 
>perverted intellect of a raunchy, a jason, an alex or go with the top 1% that 
>The Mad Yogi Inc, your choice really.
>Bon voyage.
>From: seventhray1 <>
>Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 2:07:48 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "I'm having an emotion" / the pre-qualification 
>(was.... Bob)
>Rav, you've rendered my speechless. I can't think of a thing to  say.
 Ok.  Bon Noel.
>--- In, Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...> wrote:
>> Hear ye, hear one and all.
>> Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, 
>> The 
>>King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
>>village bumpkin. 
>> From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, 
>> vibrating 
>>with a thriving community of idiots,  multi faceted, multi dimensional 
>> Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
>>spiritual thing.
>> King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
>>UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
>>to spend time researching
>the people he so dearly loved.
>> Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, 
>> from 
>>the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.
>> Studying the West coast liberals, people of  heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their language, 
their food habits, their customs, their culture.
>> Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the 
>> shadow, 
>>the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.
>> The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the 
>> White 
>>man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
>>nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.
>> The crowd egged on by  Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, 
>> which 
>>then mysteriously transformed as eggs  and
>boomeranged back leaving them egg
shell shocked.


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