Q: Dear Guruji, I have never been a spiritual or a true religious person. How 
can I learn to let go and believe?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You don't have to label yourself- I am spiritual, 
religious person etc. No need for it. Just be natural, beautiful, good human 
being. That's it!

If someone is not a beautiful human being and says, `I am a spiritual person or 
a religious person', what is the use of that? What good he or she is for? Isn't 
it? The purpose of spirituality is to make you a beautiful human being, the 
purpose of religion is to make you a righteous person, connected to the 
universe, to the universal spirit. And that's what spirituality is and that's 
what a simple, natural, normal human being is! Got it? Right, so it is better 
not to label yourself.

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