So what has your statement done to refute the undiluted facts of history? 
Oh let me guess if you cannot intellectually debate FACTS ..then attack the 
mesenger! Sounds so right wing Fox News..LOL!!

FACT--Sri Adi Shankar was a Viashnava Sanyasi!!
Hence the orange/saffron colored dhotis & kurtha that even Sri Brahmananda 
wore, and all the Dandi Sanyasi Jagadgurus and their disciples wear to this 
day. And have worn since the 8th century BCE!! 

FACT-Sri Adi Shankar started the tradition of wearing orange!

FACT-- Sri Adi Shankar taught Bhakti to Lord Govinda/God/Ishtadevata!

FACT-- Bhakti to Personal Form of Ishtadevata/God is taught in all of Sri Adi 
Shankar's Asrham for past 2000+ years!!

FACT- I was the PRIME and ONLY Subject in the 1987 study conducted at Luther 
College at the Sleep and Dream Lab of Dr. Moorecroft', and presented to the 
International Sleep & Dream Symposium Oslo Norway.
I was the only person to not only demonstrate 'unity consciouness" to the 
satisfaction of 4 PhD researchers BUT my abstract withstood the rigorious 
scrutiny of the entire scientific community.
FACT- Not ONE single "purusha" or "mother divine" TM-er has even repeated what 
I had sccomplished 

SO-Here is my post AGAIN ..and PLEASE do your ABSOLUTE best to try and refute 
the FACTS!!!!

FACT--With regards to TM and anything Mahesh Yogi wrote or ever said about God 
was from his own perspective..
Nothing Mahesh Yogi said was regarding God was remotely accurate!!

Just look at Mahesh Yogi's teacher-- Sri Brahmananda -- whom referred to God as 
Or to use your own words- "Vaishnavas, and they believe in a qualified 
monism,visisht advaita.."

Mahesh Yogi's own master - Sri Brahmananda was a Hindu/ Vaishnavav who taught 
Bhakti as qualified monism to Ishtadevata.

Sri Brahmamnada gave out names of God/Ishtadevata or "mantras" to be "used in 
worship" as He himself even lectured countless times.

Sri Brahmananda had 6 names of Ishtadevata that He used to teach to his 
disciples, and ONLY ONE of the names of God/Ishtadevata(or mantra) was used for 
worship of Nirkar Brahma (the formless form of God).
The other five mantras related directly to Sakar Brahma- God in His personal 
Form-(either Ram or Vishnu or Shakti, etc). It is important to keep this in 

If you don't believe me look at Paul Mason webpage devoted to Sri is all there from Sri Brhamananda's own lectures and interviews 
given by His disciples!!

Which brings us to the - Holy Tradition -that Mahesh Yogi conjured up starting 
with Sri Adi Shankar..
Who also taught and was (to use your own words) "Vaishnavas, and they believe 
in a qualified monism, visisht advaita.."
Sri Adi Shankar defeated the Buddhists with the philosphy of advait vedanta.
But Sri Adi Shankar did not teach advait vedanta.

Sri Adi Shankar taught devotion/bhakti to Sri Govinda (Lord Krishna).

It is a fact .. As I can cite all of Sri Adi Shankar Ashrams from Puri to 
Dwarika to Jyosimath to Kanchi to Varanasi..all teach as you pointed out 
"Vaishnavas, and they believe in a qualified monism, visisht advaita"!

So what are we left with regards to Mahesh Yogi?
Now based upon MY OWN experiences to which I was asked to "PROVE" or
"DEMONSTRATE" by- Dr. Charles Alexander, PhD at MIU in 1986..
So I spent 7 nights over the course of 9 months in Dr. Moorecroft's sleep and 
dream lab at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.

The study that I was only PRIME subject tested was overseen by Dr. Jayne 
Gackenback, PhD University Northern Iowa at Waterloo, Ia and Dr. Stephen 
LaBerge, PhD Stanford University, and Dr. Charles Alexander, PhD MIU.

Here at this website you can read the results of the study done on me as 
submitted to the International Symposium of Sleep and Dream Research in Oslo 
Norway in 1987...
A portion of the study said this about me-,
.."This TM subject (TMS) was a 28 year old male who had been meditating for 5.8 
years and received one of the highest scores thus far recorded on an inventory 
designed to assess self reports of the attainment of higher states of 
consciousness (Stage of Consciousness Inventory (SCI); Alexander, Davis, 
Dillbeck, Dixon, Oetzel & Muehlman, in press). Further, he received low scores 
on the SCI scales which assess psychopathology and tendency to endorse 
misleading, grandiose sounding statements. During TM practice he displayed 
exceptionally high amplitude alpha spindles across all EEG channels and periods 
of respiratory suspension (Kesterson, 1985)..."

What does this have to do with "Unity Consciousness" ..well I had proven beyond 
any doubt that I had established this "unity consciousness" and furthermore I 
was the only person willing to subject themselves to the rigirous scrutiny of
the entire scientific community to prove it.

I can tell you this that the "unity consciousness" that these TM-ers dearly 
seek is a complete waste of time as it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with 
And even IF these TM-ers had this "unity consciounsess" they would not want it!
It is cosmic nothingness.. devoid of God/Ishtadevata!

Ask can you be in "unity consciousness" with a stone? or an 
automobile? ..or a glass of water?

These are lifeless objects..there isn't any underlying "Reality" that permeates 
these lifeless objects!

To even persist in that debate is comptelety insane!
Some burned out x-hippy's fascination with 40 year old acid trip!

Even to a God-realized Saint like Sri Brahmananda the lifeless objects were 
just that..part and parcel of Maya..inantimate and lifeless..
Sri Brahmananda did not lecture about "oness or unity" with the material 
universe or Maya!!, and neither did Sri Adi Shankar!!

And even to this day in all of Sri Shankar's Ashram the teaching is unity of 
HEART with God/Ishtdevata through the path of Bhakti!!

There isn't any teaching of Sri Adi Shankar regarding intellectual discerment 
and mental repeatition of a "meaningless sound" to achieve "unity consciouness" 
with a rock or automobile!!

--- In, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> The nutcase Steve Perino is back (devotee of the pervert Swami Prakashanand 
> Saraswati, currently on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list).  So go figure.

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