Garoi is appropriately termed as the second "Shri-Khsetra" as it is constructed 
as a transit house of Lord Jagannâth.  All the houses and debris have got a 
limited life, The Jagannâth temple's (the temple at the first or primary 
"Shri-Khsetra") life will be exhausted, and again after limited time will be 
re-constructed. Garoi will serve as the transit-house in this period of 
transition. The transition also includes transition of Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga. 
The temple has been built for the Satya Yuga. Satya, which is stepping in 
slowly, will have its foot established with full-might on about 22nd June 2017 
. There is no overnight change anticipated in this extremely difficult Yuga 
Karma (duty and work of the era). Mahapurusha Shri Shri Achyutananda Goswami 
has hinted in his Bhabisya Malikâ (an oracle about the events of the future), 
that this Yuga Karma game will be played in secrecy (Shunya Khela or The Game 
of Shunya) with a Sandhi Kâla (i.e. with a transition period) of about 12 
years. Many will remain ignorant of the game, some will have some hints but 
cannot dig and understand further, some devotees will be able to witness the 
happenings with a conscious, and will secretly wait for the re-establishment of 
the truth. [Off note: the Yugakarma is not about destroying the civilization or 
mankind, as some prophecies imply; rather, its about establishing the truth, 
peace, compassion, forgiveness (satya, shanti, daya, khsma) firmly; its about 
partial cleaning with the force of the nature and divine, not about wiping off 
our lovely human race with a wrath, no there is no end to our race in 2012 or 
any other year as some prohecies were wrongly interpreted, projecting a sense 
of fear. Those prophecies do serve as a warning. There is no one "Doom's day", 
its a slow process only to make things better at the end. What is to happen is 
"a shift in the global conscious" a paradigm shift- the time will change, the 
thinking will change, the perception will change. A little force is always 
required to bring about this change. Keeping righteousness and taking name of 
God is the path of we human beings, that is the saviour.]

His holiness Baba Shri Buddhanath Das, had prayed in his last birth that his 
Guru shall remain always with him. Accordingly Lord Jagannath had blessed him 
and had said that he (Baba) will establish a temple (the said temple of Lord 
Jagannath) towards the end of Kaliyuga at Garoi. From here the "Kalki Avatâr" 
will appear and Kayibalya (Mahâprasad) will be prepared and all categories of 
Seers will be present in this place (in physical or ethereal form) during the 
crucial Yugakarma. It is informative to state that, a large mass (in ancient 
Orissa - Udra desha) believe that Mahapurusha Shri Achyutanada had descended 
from Lord Jagannath. He is regarded as someone who has spiritually emerged with 
Lord Jagannath and has attained Godhood, and at the same time he also has his 
own identity. Hence he is called Mahapurusha (great man).

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