Are you Tim Tibow playing Andy Kaulfman? I assume you are being—quite 
effectively—ironic. And I appreciate the in-joke that I am as far from being a 
Jesus freak as I could possible be. While at the same time not giving the TMO 
much love either. Very funny stuff, jason, but a little bit too Jedi Spockish 
for most FFL readers I suspect.

Did you ever consider they might take you literally?

It's possible, you know.

But thanks. Yeah, Catholicism is not for me; Jesus either. But the goddamn 
thing is: *they would have been* had I lived before the Second World War.

Now, Judy, does that stitch the whole thing together finally?

Jason, you are one crazy guy—but I think I get it. I sure hope I do.

Where's the non-ironic you?

--- In, Jason <jedi_spock@...> wrote:
> Robbie boy, if you want to to be a part of the 'Jesus freak 
> Show' so be it.
> But none of us here in the forum want any part of it.  
> Judeo-Christian philosophy is a major deception that has 
> conned humanity for centuries.  I don't know weather you are 
> an unwitting player in this greatest con-job ever played on 
> humanity.  You are just fooling yourself.  
> From: emptybill <emptybill@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:57 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
> Chivukula
> > 
> > Robin sez:
> > I knew there would be others who would disagree with you, and I was not 
> > disappointed in this (e.g. emptybill). But within how I have understood 
> > what you have said about me, I believe emptybill has provided evidence of a 
> > misunderstanding of me. But there will be no proof of his failure of 
> > sensitivity versus your precision of sensitivity. So I must leave it there.
> >
> > Oh gosh, the insensitivity is so crushing, how can you continue? However no 
> > need for you to demonstrate or exemplify your claims since all truth is 
> > self-evident and self-revealing. Isn't it? 
> Only god knows our heart, so who cares about veracity? The human faculty of 
> knowing (nous/intellectus) is as corrupted in its nature as human will is 
> debased by self-love. This is all we need to know, and any other conclusion 
> is mere fantasy. Adequation is for the angels, not us.
> > This is why Jesus (and Him crucified) walked the earth, isn't it? To show 
> > that He is the only Logos and all else is deception.
> It is so simple, isn't it?>
> > > --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Dear whynotnow:
> > > 
> > > No one that I know is above feeling some happiness in being praised. What 
> > > makes your overall review of my posts, though, so gratifying to me, is 
> > > the sense that you have really caught my own intention and, if I may say 
> > > it, even my own experience in writing at FFL. 
> > > 
> > > "Then, a while ago I began reading every word of yours, the context you 
> > > create, the reality coming through, the innocence, and the world of Robin 
> > > became known, with immediacy, not compared to anything else, just you".
> > > 
> > > This may beâ€"from my own first person ontological perspectiveâ€"the most 
> > > accurate and perspicacious description I have ever read about what is 
> > > going on when I write. And I am led on to the conclusion that your own 
> > > way of apprehending reality partakes of a certain grace and elegance that 
> > > affords you the inner confidence that you have 'seen what is really 
> > > there'. I think this quite an exceptional virtue: to catch at what is 
> > > most real and individuated, ignoring what would be merelyâ€"inadvertently 
> > > of courseâ€"a derivative and conditioned response.
> > > 
> > > You see, whynotnow: you are meeting my own innocence [if I may use that 
> > > term since you have generously applied it to me] with your own innocence. 
> > > This creates some agreement in reality. It is not merely someone saying 
> > > something nice or flattering about someone else. For me at least you have 
> > > in this post received and then articulated almost perfectly the context 
> > > within which I express myself. And I have to admit it: I was a little 
> > > floored by this. So, then, whynotnow, it was not so much the fact that 
> > > you came out so positively in your review, it was the fact that in all 
> > > that you said, you identified the minute particulars of what I 
> > > attemptâ€"personallyâ€"to do when I post at FFL.
> > > 
> > > And you also recognized the sense of how much I seek to make a completion 
> > > when I write; that is, the way I "delve into awareness in a 
> > > comprehensible way, weave a succinct explanation with no loose threads". 
> > > Again, whynotnow, it is not the favourability or positivity of what you 
> > > have said about me; no, it is something much more satisfying to me: viz. 
> > > the identification of seemingly every element in my original ambition; I 
> > > would have thought at best certain persons would get the *effect* of all 
> > > this; but I had not anticipated someone who would anatomize my intention 
> > > and my method with this kind of delicate and acute sensitivity.
> > > 
> > > I won't quote the rest of your post, since it illustrates the same almost 
> > > perfect grasp of my intention and my experience. The "genuineness", the 
> > > sense of the "real": these are what constitute what is essential for me. 
> > > I must stop here, whynotnow: please know you haveâ€"if I may say 
> > > itâ€"*objectively* understood what I am all about. And I never dreamed of 
> > > someone understanding me in the way that I understand myself. 
> > > 
> > > I hope that this, what I have written here, does not come off as some 
> > > opportunity to indulge in self-centered gratification or ego massaging, 
> > > because that is not why I have written back to you. I have written this 
> > > response out of my wonder and appreciation that someone has so 
> > > intelligently delineated what I am all about [at least according to my 
> > > own lights].
> > > 
> > > I knew there would be others who would disagree with you, and I was not 
> > > disappointed in this (e.g. emptybill). But within how I have understood 
> > > what you have said about me, I believe emptybill has provided evidence of 
> > > a misunderstanding of me. But there will be no proof of his failure of 
> > > sensitivity versus your precision of sensitivity. So I must leave it 
> > > there.
> > > 
> > > With much thanks for this discerning post, and risking the brickbats of 
> > > my critics for being narcissistic and drama queenly, I am
> > > 
> > > The Canadian Zebra unmasked

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